162 articles · 41.7K karma · 43 friends · active 31 minutes ago

I mostly do 1/48 USN and British Commonwealth aircraft, all eras. I also have a weakness for WW1 German planes and 1/700 ships.

1/72 Mosquito PR. XVI.

This is the recent Airfix kit built with Barracuda 3D printed landing gear. It’s an amazing addition to an already solid kit. I also used Kits World seatbelts and Eduard masks for the glass. Precut masks are a lifesaver on 1/72 kits [...]

1/48 F-4N.

This is an original 1982 issue of Hasegawa’s F-4B/N kit. As such, it features raised panel lines. Unlike the rest of their 1/48 Phantom lineup, Hasegawa never re-tooled the B/N kit with recessed panel lines. As long as they’re [...]

1/48 Fokker D.VII (OAW)Great War Group Build.

This is the first issue of the Eduard D.VII, released in 2005. I purchased this kit when it was first released and waited 19 years to build it, what a mistake that was. It’s a fantastic kit. I should’ve built it a long time ago. [...]

1/48 Siemens-Shuckert D.IIIGreat War Group Build.

This is the Eduard kit from 2014. It’s the second tooling of this plane that Eduard did. The first tooling was the very first full kit that Eduard produced in 1993. The two kits have nothing in common. This was a real pleasure to [...]

1/48 Albatros D.III

This is the old Glencoe kit that came out in 1989 or 1990. The WWI Group Build inspired me to pull this out of the back of the display case and have a look at it. I built it as soon as it hit the LHS shelves. It was pretty crude by [...]

1/144 KC-135R.

This is the newly released Academy model. It’s actually a re-pop of the Minicraft kit. Academy has been slowly reissuing Minicraft’s more popular kits recently. I always wanted one of these but waited too long as Minicraft went out [...]

1/144 Boeing 307 Stratoliner.

This is the Roden kit which has been available for a few years. I’ve always wanted one of these in this scale and bought it when it was a brand new release. Unfortunately, the decals were useless as always with Roden products. Vintage [...]

1/144 TWA C-54.

This started life as a Berlin Airlift boxing of the Minicraft kit. I picked it up at a swap meet for $3. A deal too good to refuse! This is also how stashes grow exponentially, lol. Anyways, I was going to build it using the kit [...]

1/48 FJ-3 Fury.

This is the early 1980s Esci kit in its naval guise. Esci marketed the basic kit as both an FJ-2/3 and an F-86E with a few different parts in each release. I saw George Blair started the F-86E version of this kit over on the Sabre [...]

1/48 Seafire FR.46

This is the 1996 Airfix kit with a few upgrades. I actually built it for a group build on Roy Sutherland’s Barracuda Studios Facebook page. I incorporated the following Barracuda products into the model: replacement prop blades, [...]