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David D.
11 articles

Battle of the Bulge M4A3E8 Sherman U.S. 4th Armoured Division Bastogne.

December 19, 2012 · in Armor · · 14 · 5.1K

Hi Guys,

Here's a vignette of my M4A3E8 Sherman that I built using Tasca's excellent Sherman kit. I wanted to model a picture of an "E8" during the battle of the bulge and I found a picture of one that was taken just outside Bastogne, Belgium in January 1945. This particular Sherman was positioned hull down protecting one of the roads leading into and out of Bastogne. I used acrylics on the tank and Vallejo paints for the figure and stowage with the exception of the yellow air recognition flag on which I used Tamiya acrylics. The winter grass is from Noch's grass set. I weathered the tank with a pin wash using Windsor and Newton oils then a general wash. Mud and dirt effects were achieved using Mig pigments. The snow is from Hudson and Allen's scenic line.

Hope you like it.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Excellent diorama, David...very well done. The detail work is outstanding - especially on the figure and gear. How about a little background on the kit and your weathering technique(s)?

  2. I'm glad I was wearing my thermal underwear when I looked at this chilly scene of winter. Very realistic and getting snow to look right - especially light snow like this - is damn hard.

    Beautiful detail work on the vehicle also.

  3. Great job, the figure is first rate.

  4. Brilliant diorama, especially that it is so close to the original photo.
    The icing on the cake is the very convincing snow and winter feeling about it. One can almost feel the cold.

    We'd love to see more armor at iModeler!

  5. Great looking diorama and according to my dad it was too cold for words, You have achieved that effect quite well. Dad was with the 101st and to this day he can't say enough about Gen Patton and his boys.

    • Tom,
      This was one of the first E8's to enter service. Must have been a bit of surprise to the Germans seeing an American Tank with a muzzle break and wider tracks.

  6. This is really great. Well done.

  7. The HVSS is my favourite version of the Sherman. Great attention to detail and finish on both the tank and groundwork. Thanks for sharing, David.

    • Anders,

      Thanks very much for the comments. I still have a long way to go to improving my painting techniques but I think I am starting to get the hang of painting figures.

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