Hasegawa 1/32nd Fw190A-6
Here is Oblt. Georg Schott's "Weise 11", Staffelkapitaen of 1./JG-1 while based at Deelen, Holland in the autumn of 1943. This one also has the Eagle Editions propeller & spinner, cowl gun cover, and wheels. I also used the RB Productions pilot harness. Flight control surfaces were cut with a Tiger Saw, repositioned, and the stick and rudder pedals adjusted accordingly. Gun barrels and exhausts drilled out; brake lines and wheels down indicators added from .012 brass wire. Decals for the general markings were from Eagle Strike, the aircraft-specific markings including the black nose checkers were custom made by a friend using the now-OOP Cutting Edge set and an excellent profile from Tom Tullis as a reference.
nice work Erik. i like the A-5, A-6 FWs for their "cleaner" lines and always loved JG-1s markings. first class work and your attention to detail is outstanding
Now THOSE are much better than my "Butcher Birds", Erik. I wish you'd have posted those earlier...I wouldn't have put MY so-so "model" up here!
Beautiful, very very beautiful.
I particularily like the sheen on your finish - what is your final coat?
Thanks Thomas, I prepare the surface for decals and blend them in afterward with a 50:50 mixture of Future and 90% Isopropyl Alcohol. The matte coat is Floquil Railroad Colors Flat Finish straight from the bottle- it's my favorite, misting on very evenly with ease and doesn't start drying until after it hits the model.
Ok on the Floquil - will see where I can get that here in Europe...
With regards to the Future/Isopropyl Alcohol, I'll try that on my next build - never had much success spraying Future, but maybe this will make the difference - thanks.
Wow! Fantastic build Erik! Man, that thing looks great. What an nspiration for the rest of us, thanks.:)
Another boring Erik Whipple model, built to the Standard Level of Total Excellence.
Actually, as Gary said, your modeling is inspirational.
Erik, this is my favorite Fw 190 scheme of all time. I just need to ask you how you did these checkers... painted?
Thanks Martin, as I understand it the guy who printed the decals for me scaled up the checkers from the Cutting Edge sheet 150% and cleaned up the edges a little bit. Then all I had to do was cut out the clear film and gingerly place them in groups of three or four, except for the three individual checks on the chin. There were only two places where the edges fell about 1mm short of a good corner join, which I addressed by adding small strips softened with MicroSol.