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Erik Wade Whipple
28 articles

Malta Spitfire- Hasegawa 1/48th Mk.Vb/trop Conversion

December 23, 2012 · in Aviation · · 8 · 3.6K

This model was converted to a Mk.Vc by replacing filling, sanding, and rescribing the wings. A lot. It features Ultracast exhausts, propeller & spinner, wheels, and seat w/Sutton harness. Paints were mixed from Floquil military flats and the decals came from the Victory Productions "Empire Aces" set, which I scored at the 2003 IPMS Nats.

The markings on George Beurling's aircraft, like most other Malta Spitfires, are a subject of controversy and will probably remain so forever. Based on several photos and those in the book "Malta - Diary of a Fighter Pilot" by Beurling and Roberts, I chose to ignore the two-blue scheme depicted by the decal instructions and went with a single blue with hints of the desert camoflage showing through here and there.

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3  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. A really great model. You;ve gone to a lot of trouble but the results are worth it. Can you give me any clues on what you used for the blue overspray? I'm currently building the Special Hobby kit & I would like to do a Malta aircraft.
    Thanks, Tony

    • Thanks, Tony. I was looking for a color slightly richer than US Navy Blue Grey. Consistent with Mr. Towle's points below, the aircraft were loaded in Glasgow wearing the tropical scheme and then painted aboard the ship. Most likely using thinned blues & greys intended for the ship rather than the those for the U.S. planes in her air group. I know I used Floquil Prussian Blue, lightened with their US Navy Grey- but don't recall any mixing ratios.

  2. I know what kind of effort you went to, to convert that. A. Lot. Great result.

  3. Erik , you hit the nail the head with this one. I'm incline to think that the "Blue" came from U.S. Navy stocks and was painted by Air brush and by paint brushes. Regardless of the type of paint and its application you have captured the spirit and feel of a Malta Spitfire in my opinion. Two thumbs up.

  4. Very realistic painting!

  5. And Merry Christmas to you all)))!

  6. Fabulous result Mr Whipple, well done.

  7. IN some of your shots the underlying desert camouflage was more apparent than in other shots. Is the difference use or placement of the flash?

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