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48 articles

Maquette 1/400 Protected Cruiser ‘Aurora’

December 1, 2012 · in Ships · · 4 · 5.2K

This was my very first foray into serious AMS. I hand drilled over 400 #80 holes into this ship. Most of those were for the totally scratch built railings. Every stanchion is cut from thin wire and inserted into a hole drilled into the hull top edge. When all of them are in place, I then came along with ultra-fine monofilament and super-glued them into place. As well as the railings, all of the rigging and the funnel bracing was threaded through hand drilled # 80 holes. There are 6 broken drill bits rattling around inside the hull. The steam launches had the funnels added, and the long boats are covered in Milliput. The rest of the vessel was built and painted in the normal fashion. Well, my normal fashion, anyway. Enjoy.

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4 responses

  1. You must have the patience of Job...I couldn't do that. Nice job.

  2. Yeah, I kinda do. Comes in very handy in this silly hobby. Thanks.

  3. The patience of Job or OCD. I'll make book on the latter. 🙂

    Excellent work!

  4. Beautiful and unusual subject.

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