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Maxim Bylkin
65 articles

Roden 1/32 Nieuport 25 “МЕРИ”

December 30, 2012 · in Aviation · · 11 · 9.9K

I want to introduce you to its first model in 32nd scale, and hopefully not the last - conversion Nieuport-24 from RODEN. Work has been done a lot, but I am pleased with the result so far)) Especially for the model were made decal and photoetching.
Model of RODEN provides a wide field of activities for various aftermarket manufacturers, so I hope that in the future there will be and decals, and etching, and resin, and the model will be easier to build.

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4  Awesome 2 

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11 responses

  1. Fantastic Nieuport, Maxim! Just perfect.

  2. Another masterpiece, Maxim.

  3. Maxim... Impressive build, and beautifully photographed.

  4. That's beautiful, Maxim. Very nice detailing and the wooden elements in the cockpit look great. I have been hoarding 1/32nd WWI kits and have yet to build one- can't seem to decide which one goes first. Did you encounter any difficult spots on this build regarding fits or alignment?

  5. Sufficiently complete assembly of the Nieuport here- # 627922, it describes almost all the pitfalls that set.
    May register, but you will not regret it in the tree-many related information. Anyway - subforum on aviation until 1923, we have very advanced))

  6. Very, very nice work. I really like the detail work and restrained weathering.

  7. Today, a lot of cool airplanes WWI! Just a holiday for the soul!

    Nieuport perfect!

  8. Thank you, colleagues)!
    То Vlad - это просто праздник какой-то (С) 🙂

  9. Really nice work on this kit. I have one question: from my research, the Nieuport 25 used the older "comma" single-piece rudder, and the earlier horizontal stabilizer, while the Nieuport 27 was the first to use the later tail. Also the Nie. 25 was a very limited production airplane, while the Nie. 27 was exported to Russia (as well as used by the RFC). Not a critique of the model, just wondering about the history and designations here.

    The work on the model, particularly in the cockpit, is really phenomenal.

  10. The branch on building of the model was quite extensive, and somewhere in the middle we found out the story with colleagues prototype. According to archival documents (Naval Archives, St. Petersburg) was established that was delivered to Russia party Nieuport-25 engines Clerget 130 hp, and the two devices - "Mary" and "Natalie", even notorious serial numbers 4090 and 4081 respectively. The two Nieuports fought in the 1-th naval fighter squadron. More details can be found on the 25th Nieuport here:

  11. Amazing job! Such a beautiful plane...I have to do one of this!

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