Aero L-29 “Delfín”, 1/32, Hph Models
I want to introduce my model L-29 from HpH kit (full resin kit) in 1/32.
I build it out of the box with many details (rivets, wires, indicators, seats) which I made myself. I painted it with GSI Super Metallic and Tamiya Acrylic colors. I wanted to reach realistic weathering on natural metal finish. This model shows L-29 from 50s years in Czechoslovak air force- trainer unit. This build was so hard, but I enjoyed painted.
I hope that you like it
Honza... Take it from a fellow modeler who loves natural metal finishes...You nailed it! A very realistic finish.
Brilliant build, my friend !
Superb NMF ! excellent piece of work, my friend. And a resin kit to boot! Your talent(s) are amazing. That's gotta be one of the best examples of workmanship I've seen in a while. I could compose several paragraphs of compliments on THIS one. I'm stunned. Very, very nice work, sir.
Brilliant in every sense Dolphin!
"Elka" Best I've seen! +10
Excellent NMF!
NMF very realistic ! Excellent.
Kit of the "Month" hands down or the "Bar" has been raised five more notches gentlemen. The quality and skill level of many of the submissions have got me going back to some of my builds in progress ...I've changed some things and have added some others and have made a effort to bring things up a notch. Some the photo's and the ability to up load photos with better definition helps a lot. Down side I'm modeling at a slower pace.
I thank all of you. I appreciate it
If it were possible to rate 15 or 20 - would put. Best Model!
Well, that was quite an entrance! Welcome onboard, Honza. The quality of this NMF is simply outstanding and a joy to look at. I have a couple of questions:
what kind of paint is GSI Super Metalic?
you have apparently shaded these panels, wonder how was it done - preshading, or post-shading, and which colors did you use?
Thanks this model deserves 12 out of 10.
I just HAVE to add to my initial reply. That rivet work is astounding. And the finish looks like it's real metal. I simply don't see how this kit could have been done any better! A strong contender for "best in show", if you ask me. Maybe even the other category regarding responses when everyone has a chance to see it. It's going to take a real masterpiece these next 3 weeks to top THIS. At least that's MY humble opinion.
This is perhaps the single most realistic natural metal finish I have seen on a model. The attention to detail throughout is truly excellent, the rivet work is superb. I'd give it a 20 on a 10 scale if I could, but 10 is all I can, so... 10 it is.
Yep...I agree 100%. The ONLY other ones that even come close are those examples by that retired Japanese dentist who builds highly detailed models from REAL metal. I'm sure you've seen the guy I'm talkin' about (maybe on Google or perhaps one or more of the 'other' sites).
Thanks for good recommendation.
I use SM01 with some black. Totally I use about 6 different shades of colours.
First I paint hole aircraft silver SM01 and then a I separated the panels on the wings and fusellage. The edges of panels I masked by masking tape.
Sorry Craig, I don´t know of whom you talk. I try to Google him.
Ah, so GSI means Gunze Mr. Color Super Metallic? Sounds like something one wants to try. Are they durable? Quick-drying? Need polishing? Can a painted surface be masked/decalled?
Amazing. I dunno how you've done it! Sure its not made of metal lol
Yes, I mean Mr. Color Super Metallic. It´s very simple manipulation with them, it dry very quick and it doesn´t need polishing and you can decalled, masked and varnished it.
Simply stunning! If I should only use one word I would say "realistic", and that's really the most beautiful thing once can say about a model
Best regards and I hope to see more of your models!
I noticed something unusual about the speed brakes. It appears that they do not have a recess in which to retract flush. Rather, they simply lay flat against the side of the fuselage when "closed". It would seem to me that this would disrupt the airflow (albeit ever so slightly). Any idea why they were designed in such a fashion?
Wow! Amazing piece of work Honza.
Just gorgeous! I love the NMF!
Amazing finish.
I love the uneven look of the panels, especially visible on the first wing panel closest to the intake. I know that this is a big ask, but please consider writing a step-by-step about your process. It doesn't have to be an entire aircraft, and even just a bunch of photos with captions would be helpful... you know, do a step, take a picture, and write a sentence or two, then repeat. Absolutely outstanding, I really wish we could see this in the flesh!