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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

TBF-1 Avenger (conversion of the 1/48 Accurate Miniatures kit)

January 19, 2013 · in Aviation · · 1 · 2.6K

Done back in 1998, using the KMC -1 conversion to do an early-production TBF-1. The KMC wingfold consisted of the resin wing center section; The outer wing "hangs" on a piece of piano wire from the resin center section to the horizontal stabilizer, through a "tunnel" built into the upper wing half. The wire is only seen where it comes out the wingtip and masquerades as the connecting wire of the real thing. I used to freak people out by picking it up by the wingtip. If you can find one, the Dangerboy full resin wing fold set (which was later picked up and released by Mike West at Lone Star Models) is the far easier way to go.

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1 response

  1. Hey Tom,
    At your prompting I found your article. That idea of the wire imbedded in the outer wing half is a very good one.
    I may do that for the next build in my lineup with a KMC fold.

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