Thank you sir, I used desert yellow thinned to the point of water, cranked up the air pressure and held the airbrush back maybe 8" or so. Then i tried to build up the effect layer by layer til i was happy with it, pretty simple really, just scared to try it. The Sherman was completed around a year ago and i didnt want to ruin it!
Jeff, good to see your armor models here. This Sherman is looking very good with a nice look and feel of the metal on the hull, and good job on the markings which completely "melt in". The entire finish certainly looks "right"!
A 2c's worth suggestion from me concerns the tracks, which I believe would even better macth the rest of the model if treated with more dirt (and maybe also sag for heavier appearance).
Great job. Thanks for sharing. What kit have you used?
I agree, the vinyl tracks supplied in the kit were a bit stiff and chunky. As for the maker I'm not really sure, it's one of the testors 50th anniversary kits, which I'm thinking was a rebox of an Italeri kit. The only reason why I think this is because the sprues all say made in Italy.The decals were left-overs from a Dragon kit, I used them because I had already had alot of success with them on the previous halftrack build. The Dragon kit came with tons of decals, I still have alot of them in the "pile".
I served as a Field Artilleryman for many years. I think you hit the paint on the Sherman right on the head. Just because a vehicle serves in the field, doesn't necessarily mean that it has to look like a rusty rolling junkpile. Given a chance most soldiers take enough pride in their equipment to try and clean it up when they get the chance. Your Sherman looks like, perhaps, a vehicle that has been cleaned up and maintained post-VE Day. It looks like a piece of equipoment that has been cleaned up for an IG inspection, a public display, a parade, or a regimental/battalion "Best Vehicle" competition. Mud coated tracks that are never cleaned wear out a whole lot faster. I like your style of presentation very much. Well done, sir! Adios, Larry.
I have to agree with the editor on the tracks...a little more sagging would seal the deal or create a better feel for giving the illusion of weight on the return whiles and on the road wheels. Some folks will tie down vinyl tracks with thread on the return wheels to pull down the track and give it that weighted feel. (The few armored vehicles I've done have had vinyl and they always remind me of textured rubber bands I'm not a fan.) On the whole, the model looks solid with the painting and blending of.
Looks pretty good from where I - you gonna tell us about the new technique or keep it a secret from the rest of us novices.
Thank you sir, I used desert yellow thinned to the point of water, cranked up the air pressure and held the airbrush back maybe 8" or so. Then i tried to build up the effect layer by layer til i was happy with it, pretty simple really, just scared to try it. The Sherman was completed around a year ago and i didnt want to ruin it!
Jeff, good to see your armor models here. This Sherman is looking very good with a nice look and feel of the metal on the hull, and good job on the markings which completely "melt in". The entire finish certainly looks "right"!
A 2c's worth suggestion from me concerns the tracks, which I believe would even better macth the rest of the model if treated with more dirt (and maybe also sag for heavier appearance).
Great job. Thanks for sharing. What kit have you used?
I agree, the vinyl tracks supplied in the kit were a bit stiff and chunky. As for the maker I'm not really sure, it's one of the testors 50th anniversary kits, which I'm thinking was a rebox of an Italeri kit. The only reason why I think this is because the sprues all say made in Italy.The decals were left-overs from a Dragon kit, I used them because I had already had alot of success with them on the previous halftrack build. The Dragon kit came with tons of decals, I still have alot of them in the "pile".
I served as a Field Artilleryman for many years. I think you hit the paint on the Sherman right on the head. Just because a vehicle serves in the field, doesn't necessarily mean that it has to look like a rusty rolling junkpile. Given a chance most soldiers take enough pride in their equipment to try and clean it up when they get the chance. Your Sherman looks like, perhaps, a vehicle that has been cleaned up and maintained post-VE Day. It looks like a piece of equipoment that has been cleaned up for an IG inspection, a public display, a parade, or a regimental/battalion "Best Vehicle" competition. Mud coated tracks that are never cleaned wear out a whole lot faster. I like your style of presentation very much. Well done, sir! Adios, Larry.
Thanx Larry, I guess all the mud in the tracks slowly eats away at the metal contact points?
Good point!
Thats purely an assumption. But it sounds good!
looks terrific...i love the streaking
I have to agree with the editor on the tracks...a little more sagging would seal the deal or create a better feel for giving the illusion of weight on the return whiles and on the road wheels. Some folks will tie down vinyl tracks with thread on the return wheels to pull down the track and give it that weighted feel. (The few armored vehicles I've done have had vinyl and they always remind me of textured rubber bands I'm not a fan.) On the whole, the model looks solid with the painting and blending of.