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Maxim Bylkin
65 articles

Light tank MC-1the first Soviet. 1:35.

March 10, 2013 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.3K

This vignette 5 years, I think. Company model AER Moldova, very crude and inaccurate. But then, it's just I was not paying attention))) Mechanic - tank crewman of a set of ICM.
So, Russia, the end of the 20s, somewhere on the dirt road ...

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6 responses

  1. Wow that's an earlybird. Looks like something a kid would draw. Nice job on the build and dirt. Also love the alarm clock bell turret hatch.

  2. I'll give ya a ten just for the excellent paint, weathering and detail work, Maxim...besides, I wouldn't know if it "inaccurate" or not anyway. Nice job.

  3. Love the dirt, good lookin' piece of iron Maxim.

  4. And another 10 for the excellent paint, weathering and detail work.

  5. I love it! A great little tank from way back.

  6. Thanks, guys!
    I have in the reserve another armored car)) - this is my armor ends

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