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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Golden Age Airplanes at Chino

May 5, 2013 · in Show Reports · · 7 · 2.2K

Here is the , the only one in the world (of 2) that flies, also the J2F Duck and the Grumman F3F-2, which didn't fly due to an oil cooler problem.

Also some fly-bys by the Northop N9M, the only flyable early flying wing in the world.

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4  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Great collection of photos-must have been one hell of a weekend.

  2. Thanks for takin' the time to post the pics. I'll bet there's more.

  3. WOW such a cool planes!

  4. Great pics Tom,I've got the Academy P26 in the stash.I always thought the Grumman Duck could only land on water then lower the wheels and taxi up a ramp but your pictures suggest a conventional landing is possible is that correct?

  5. I'll have to go to that show sometime! Thanks for the photos Tom!



  6. Man, that "peashooter" is something else. I have the Hobbycraft kit in the stash. I'd love to have it posed next to an Polikarpov I-16. I love them both for their cobby, pugnacious appearance. Thanks for the great pics Tom.

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