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Mike Maynard
53 articles


June 20, 2013 · in Aviation · · 25 · 11.3K

This is my model of the 1:72 "" nuclear bomber. The kit is of resin construction and can be built as the XP6M-1 or as the PGM-2 models. It was my first resin aircraft kit and it's a huge leap from the days of vacuform aircraft models. That said, the kit is very basic and the builder needs to have a little skill to make it a decent display model. I won't go into all the shortcomings of the kit but the biggest disappointment is that the company sold the model with NO DISPLAY STAND! Resin ship models don't come with a display stand but look OK sitting on a keel. But this plane has no landing gear (beaching gear) so it looks silly tilted to one side resting on a wing tip. And the model is not in-expensive, one would think a modest display stand would have been provided. Of course if the prototypical beaching gear had been included, the model would have been worth the steep price as it is an unusual airplane.

If you choose to build this model, the book "MARTIN P6M SEAMASTER" by Stan Piet and Al Raithel is highly recommended. The soft covered book is loaded with photos and notes on this unusual aircraft and makes a fine addition to an aircraft fan's library.

As for the model...I scratchbuilt the beaching gear using Evergreen products and bits and pieces from the scrap box. An innovative feature of the actual plane was the ability to carry a number of different "loads" using a rotary bomb bay door. The Seamaster was to carry a nuclear bomb, mines, conventional bombs, re fueling bladder, and photo recon equipment. I scratchbuilt the fuel bladder, photo unit and mine load to add some visual interest to the model. The crawler tractor, as well as the rubber tire Case tractor, were modified kits. The tow bar was fashioned from brass and the rubber tires from the good old scrap box. To enhance the aircraft I added windshied wipers, water brake and scratchbuilt the jet engine(the book has a bunch of photos of the different engines). I added the engine intake covers as the detail of the intakes would have requires a lot of rework.

In closing, the P6M was an advanced airplane for it's day (faster in flight than a USAF B-47) but changing missions and advancing technology killed this program. But if you're a fan of flying boats (and willing to do some extra building) this model can be a great addition to your collection of aircraft.

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

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25 responses

  1. I'm speechless...that is an amazing piece of craftsmanship, Mike - simply stunning work. A show winner for sure. You have a unique talent, sir. I cannot say enough good things about this build! Bravo, Mr. Maynard.

  2. that is thoughly awesome...a monthly contender if i ever saw one

  3. This is truly amazing. I've never seen one of those built until now and yours is fantastic. Bravo.

  4. I can't compliment you enough. To take on a project like this and do what you did with it is amazing. The model itself is outstanding but all the work and skill you put into the added accessories makes the WHOLE picture. I can just imagine what this thing weighs. I built the MACH II Seamaster ( not a kit recommended for the feint of heart) and it did not look like this one. Love your work on this and I agree with Craig and Mack, a show and monthly winner.

  5. WOW! awesome Seamaster. It does seem to have that sinister look to it just sitting on its beaching gear. Nice presentation, how you displayed it before a flight. The open engine bay, really well thought out. Thanks for sharing Mike.


  6. said on June 20, 2013

    What a beautiful model! Great job, Mike!

  7. You're the absolute Master of understatement! After I read your description of the kit, I couldn't reconcile the pictures of it with your comments like: " add some visual interest to the model", and: "To enhance the aircraft I added...". Right, nothing to it. Above admirable.
    I've been considering a new hobby, and now I know why.

  8. At last ! something new and truly inspiring this really is the best bit of work I've seen in ages, I wish I was half as good...thanks for submitting.

  9. That really is inspirational work.

  10. Incredible! Fantastic work, the beaching gear scratch is awe inspiring,

  11. spectacular sea master your scratch building skills are fantastic I am in awe thanks for sharing

  12. Amazing, I admire your tenacity!

  13. I have to say I'm overwhelmed. After recently seeing a TV show about development of this aircraft & the Sea Dart your build drives it home.
    Unbelievably well built & your beaching trolley is work of art.

  14. Bravo indeed, sir!

  15. Superior all around.

  16. Truly superb work. I've seen one of the kits so I know the "sow's ear" you started with, which makes your achievement all the more remarkable.

  17. Mike, GREAT Build all the way around...truly a joy to look at!

  18. Absolutely fabulous, not least because it comes from an Anigrand kit. Thanks for sharing

  19. Jeez, another one where it's miles to the end of the post line! All the Kudos are well-deserved, a great piece of modeling of a very neat machine.

  20. Dear Fellow Modelers

    I'm blown away by your responses to my model. There are so many builders on this site that display such great talent I'm in awe of your work, I consider myself "average". To you folks that took a moment to comment, thank you for the kind words. This wonderful site offers the builder the opportunity to show off their work to other enthusiests, as this hobby can be a solitary endeavor sometimes.

    Thank you all,


    PS I forgot to mention that upon the cancellation of the Seamaster project the US Navy, for some un explained reason, destroyed all 16 examples, a few pieces remain of these fine aircraft.


    I'm really at a loss for words on your build. Your workmanship sets the standard by which the rest of us should be judged. Simply incredible work, Mike.

  22. Mike,
    My enthusiastic congratulations to you. From the day you posted this it had Winner written all over it. I just looked at it again today and I am even more impressed at what you did. Again, CONGRATULATIONS.

  23. It is heard to say which is more deserving of an award, the aircraft or the additional gear. In any case, a superb diorama. I would rate you "master modeler."

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