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Drew Tarter
27 articles

1/48 Revell Sikorski H-19

August 7, 2013 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.5K

Here's the ancient Sikorski rescue helicopter that I built many years ago. The overall shape of the kit looks very accurate compared to photos I've seen, but detail is basic or completely lacking in most areas. Fit was suprisingly good, however, for a kit of this age.

I decided to skip the included floats, and build a Navy helo with standard landing gear. I added harnesses to the seats and replaced the cartoonish kit insturment panel with one from an old Monogram B-25 kit, along with an instrument panel shroud made fom sheet plastic. Hardly accurate, but not much at all can be seen through the grossly thick and distorted clear parts. I added screens to some of the side vents, various footsteps and grab handles to the fuselage sides, and an antenna and a bumper skid to the underside of the tail. The passenger cabin lacks windows, so I fabricated some out of clear sheet plastic. I also carefully bent the main rotor blades to give them some realistic sag.

I tinted the upper section of the windscreen with clear green, and finished it in overall gloss sea blue. The markings came from the spares box, and represent an HRS-3 from Helicopter Utility Squadrone One, during the late 1950's.

I'd like to get another one of these kits and try to do a better job, but I keep hoping someone like Gallery Models will produce an updated kit to save me the trouble!

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11 responses

  1. Very nice work on that old chestnut, Drew.

  2. built that as a kid in orange "suitable for framing" issue...great memories...very fine job as all ways

  3. Sharp, clean helo Drew.

  4. Drew,
    A wonderful piece of work. You did justice to this aircraft with the fine job you did with this kit. I love the dark blue Navy scheme.

  5. Nice little build, Drew...I like it. Good pics as well.

  6. tough kit + great skills = very nice build

  7. Looks great. I built two of these in the 1/72 Italeri kit, an A and a B. Both finished up good. I'll have to post some pics, if I can dig them out of the display case.

  8. Nice model, Drew, the 'sag' looks just right.

  9. Lovely build on this cool old Revell model. One of my first builds as a kid.

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