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Joe Caputo
154 articles

1/144th Glencoe Martin M-130 China Clipper

September 21, 2013 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.5K

This is an old kit of a facinating subject, the . The Martin Clippers (China/Hawaii/Phillipine) operated from the mid-thirties to the mid-forties, spending a couple years in war camoflage. Decals are provided for all three versions. It is a very simple kit, with very few parts, but does include a stand. Considering it's age, it built up with little effort, about seven steps, and painting instructions. Not knowing the box scales on my Revell seaplanes, it still looks good on the same shelf. Add to that my 1/200th "Spruce Goose", and I've got a good start one one of my favorite types of aircraft, not to mention the historical aspect.

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11 responses

  1. Good-lookin' job, Joe...but we need a common object in the pic for size reference...:)

  2. Joe-
    Nice job on the flying boat. I have the same kit by Strombecker, it is a very old kit. What did you use for silver paint?

  3. Thanks Mike, Nothing fancy about the paint. Krylon Aluminum. The windows were all done using Elmer's Clear School Glue. Great stuff, at a great price. It works as well (or better) than any "purpose made" clear I've used in the past. The Elmers School Glue Gel (bluish in color) is great for rigging, antennas, etc. Just stretching my modeling dollar...

  4. Nice work on that flying boat, Joe. Further proof i was born too late - I'd rather fly something like that over today's airliners no matter how safe, easy and fast they are. (Of course, it would be nice to also be rich enough to be able to afford to fly in a Martin Clipper - I read someplace that the price to go from San Francisco to Hong Kong expressed in today's dollars would be about 400% of a first class ticket on a non-stop 747 today.)

  5. Nice one Joe. I have a weak spot for the Pan Am flying boats. I'm with Mr. Cleaver when it comes to being born too late, but when I balance that with everything else that went with that time frame I'll take today.
    Thanks for the tip on the Elmers, I'll have to try that.

  6. Got something about flying boats recently Joe?
    Nice job Joe , as per your norm.

  7. I know that flying boats are (one of) your things, Joe, and this one proves it. Just imagine the amount of spray this thing must have created on take off!

  8. Joe,
    This looks absolutely great. I'm not old enough to remember these flying out of SFO (Mills Field) or Treasure Island. I know it would not be a seller but I would love to see all of the PanAm Clippers in 1/72. Love it...

  9. Thanks Guys, As I probably mentioned before, the "Spruce Goose" (1/200) is finished, more "Clippers" on the way, and even a Dornier Do-X. Frank's right, these would be awesome (and unaffordable) in 1/72. I can't keep my greedy little paws off tha Mariner, at Hobby Lobby, of these days...

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