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Joe Caputo
154 articles

1/48 Hasegawa Dassault Breguet Falcon-10

September 18, 2013 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.7K

This may be considered a "what if", or a figment of my imagination. The USCG only flew the HU-25, a bigger brother of the 10, to my knowledge. I thought the scheme attractive, but didn't care to go through the extensive conversion, so here is the smaller version. Being a , even an older one, the fit was great, with not many complications. The paint, masking in particular, took some time. Before you even ask, it's Testors Italian Red, in a rattle can, closest thing I could come to CG red (imho).

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11 responses

  1. That is a very nice what if Joe coast guard colors are nice on anything

  2. Very neatly done, Joe, the colour scheme reminds of the Swiss livery... but obviously they don't have a Coastguard!

  3. Nicely done Joe as usual. It looks good and I suppose we are allowed a bit of license here and there.

  4. I like it...very attractive paint job. So - where'd you get Coast Guard decals? One doesn't see many of 'em out and about.

  5. Good question, Craig. Previously I posted a Lindberg "Coastal Patrol Boat". The decal sheet was stick on, not water-slide, so I had decals made from it. I'm glad you liked it.

  6. When I was stationed at USCG Air Station Cape Cod, I watched the Falcon jets fly on a daily basis for patrol and SAR missions. Your model is so close to a Falcon I did a double take! Very nice job Joe, good to see the "worlds biggest Coast Guard" get a little modeling notariety here on iModeler.

  7. Joe,
    Looks great and I can only add to the comments that the USCG markings look very good. I miss seeing a lot of CG aircraft flying out of SFO. They still have a base there but primarily helicopters. Years ago you would see almost everything they had. B-17, PBY, PBM, Albatross, on and on. FYI, I have some old MicroScale 1/72 USCG decals.#109 for the HH-3, C-130, and Albatross. I won't swear that they are still good but they may be workable. For the asking...

  8. Nice work. My favorite of your stuff so far.

  9. Joe...If I am not mistaken, the USCG HU-25A Guardian, is basically the Dassault-Breguet Model Falcon-20. Typically used as a Corporate Jet. Obviously with many modifications made especially for the Coast Guard. They were a decent aircraft, however there were problems with them. Since the USCG had to buy them (yes they didn't want them...see Congress) to appease the U.S. Aircraft manufacturers, the CG had American made Garrett ATF engines added. For the same reason you don't put a Toyota engine in a Ford truck, the results were not favorable. But that's another story! great job from a CG Aircrewman! I like it!

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