Zoukei Mura, 1:32 , Kyushu J7W1 Shinden
My latest build. Learned a lot of new words, mainly swearing en cursing, during this build because it was a bloody PITA!
The engine doesn't fit properly in the frame, nor does the parts for the cowling and guns.
Did a lot of sanding, putty-ing (? if this a correct English word) and cutting.
Everything is painted except the Kanji stencils. Tamiya acrylics were used. Chipping is done with Revell enamels silver and some green colours, exhaust stains is done with airbrush and Tamiya acrylics were used. Dirty wheels are made with Revell enamel paints and Tamiya weathering stuff. Wash is done with Vallejo black and sepia.
My appologies for the photographs, I thought they looked better when I shot them but they are a bit "dark"...
Best regards;
Ulrich Schütt
Superb work as usual Ulrich, thanks for showing. It does seem to make very good sense to put the engine at the back out of the way so to speak and yet very few aircraft are designed this way ,can anyone suggest why this is ?
That's the first time I've seen or heard anything negative concerning a Z-M kit. Sounds exactly like my tribulations with KittyHawk's F-35B. Yet I've known of others who have built it with little or no problem(s). Perhaps there's an explanation for your experience as well. The two Z-M kits I've done were excellent. At any rate, it looks like it turned out well. My Lightning II is shelved.
Thank you both for the compliments!
@ Craig; I have seen other builds, one a Dutch forum, of the Shinden were the builder wrote the issues he had during the build. The funny thing is that he ran into different problems than I did. But the problems he had were also in the same stages during the build were I had problems too. I think when you reach the part were the cowling panels are attached it comes to tenths of millimeters. When you're off by a hair length, the parts that are glued to this part are off set too...and the part that is glued to that part and so on...
Looks like the finished model was well worth the effort. Beatiful !
Nice build of an unusual aircraft. Did this prototype ever fly in tests?
Ulrich: you're not the only person I know who was guilty of "using words unsuitable for children to hear" when working on one of these, so yes, it's the kit and not you.
A good trick with digipix is to run them through your graphics program and hit "adjust" and then go to "brightness/contrast" and raise the light level. I do that all the time with my stuff, since it's shot in a workroom, not a photo studio.
Looks like you beat it, rather than the other way 'round!
ooooooo thassa nice. Great paint all round, like the dirty engine a lot.
It's great, Ulrich, your hard work (and cursing) was worth it. You're right, the pictures are a little dark, but somehow that makes the aircraft look more menacing. I like the word 'puttying' too!
There is film footage on You Tube of a Shinden in it's test flight. I believe it may have gotten off the ground mere days before capitulation.
Very nice model, and a good report too. I have been considering buying two of the 1/48 version of this kit; one built only as the frame and powerplant without body panels and one built as the complete aircraft. They seem have a lot of wonderful detail but it sounds like the engineering might leave a lot to be desired.
outrageous build
Good work. I have this kit in the stash, and ZM are about to release a 1/48 version in October.
Regardless of the flaws that you have pointed out you have done an excellent job on this model. Your work is exceptional.