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Eduard’s Spitfire MkIXc on the bench…..

October 5, 2013 · in Aviation · · 8 · 1.4K

I have started to built "Eduard Spitfire" this week. You can see the building process from the Work in progress section by using the following link.

Happy modelling.

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8 responses

  1. Looks like typical Tolga, which means you're off to a great start ! I'm sure we'll be following along as this beauty progresses.

  2. Tolga,
    I,m waiting to see it also. I have never been disappointed with your modeling skills.

  3. One thing, Tolga, Eduard got it wrong about the flare rack on the front of the seat - those were long gone by the time the Spit IX came along. Don't know if it's too late to get rid of it, but there's the only real "glitch" in the kit, for others to know about with theirs.

    • Wouldn't ya know it? Years ago, I built Monogram's Mk IX and pretty much scratch-built the entire cockpit...right down to that flare rack. D'oh! Thanks for the heads up, even if belated, Tom.

    • Thanks for the heads up Tom, but it seems that too late. I have already joined the fuselage halves this afternoon ( Turkey's afternoon not yours:) )
      As a matter of fact I have some suspicions about this flare rack. I know it from the earlier versions but does it exist in Mk.IXs? This was not so clear for me. Though to my suspicions I decided to trust Eduard but this became a mistake:(
      Even so I will try to delete it if possible without damaging the area.

  4. I'm not sure about the flare rack, Tolga, but your work looks great so far. Like the others, I can't wait to see the finished model.

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