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Gordon Zammit
26 articles

Airfix Su-27 "Flanker"

April 5, 2014 · in Aviation · 8 · 4.2K

Up to a few years ago, this was regarded as the most accurate Flanker in 1/72nd scale by many modellers. There was the Hasegawa kit which although much superior in build quality and surface detail, had some terrible inaccuracies. I built this around 8 years ago, and used the model master colors for the Su-27, but they are a bit too bright for a real Flanker. At present I am building 3 Trumpeter Flankers, which are better than the Airfix, although they still have some issues with some details, and a few fit problems as well! But I guess that's the hobby!

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8  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. This is still high on my list for best looking airplane, and yours absolutely looks the part! (Not having the missiles under the intakes makes it far sleeker!) I built the Academy UB years ago when it came out and I used the same colors. Did your light blue stay tacky for a long time?
    Just a thought...I wonder why the dielectric panels are green on the single seaters but white on the two seaters?

    • Hi Josh,
      Thanks for your nice comment. I do not remember that I had any issues with the paints drying, but they are too bright for the Su-27. And as regards the dielectric panels, I have photos of both single and two seaters with mixed white and green panels, especially with green panels and white nose cones, but also of UB's with green ones.

  2. Nice clean build Gordon, i also have a couple of the Trumpeter kits in my to do soon list of kits and they look pretty good to me so could you give me a quick outline as to whats wrong with them please?
    i have just recently got hold of some Akah paints including the colours for the Su-27 i haven't tried these ones out yet but the colours i have used up to now were great, the interior colours are bang on the money definitely recommended.
    Nice Build Gordon

    • Hi Mark, Thanks for your comments! I have also got some Akan paints, and in fact used their interior colour for the Trumpy kits. I got the colours for the Su-34 which is also nearing the painting stage together with the update set from Olimp. As regards the Trumpeter kit, they are much better than airfix, but the nose cone to under fuselage joint need some filler and sanding to smooth it, since there is a kink. The fins on the Su-30 are too short. The front u/c door is the same in all kits, but should be different for the su-30. Ventral fins do not fit well. The slats end into a semi circular shape on the upper surfaces. Not really visible, the main undercarriage housing is angled. The auxiliary intake doors are double the correct number. And not really a bad thing because of accuracy, there is a a seam line along the canopies, which are a bit too thick and distort the view inside the cockpit.

  3. Awesome build Gordon! The Su's are one of my favourite aircraft, definitely agree with Josh on that one! You have done it great justice here mate.

    I really want to build the trumpeter 1:32 one myself, it is definitely on my list of things to do! I have started building my collection in that scale and due to my OCD I feel compelled to continue in 1:32. I think I will have to construct my own display case now though as I can't find one anywhere that will accommodate the sheer size of an Su or an F15! It may also be a great deal cheaper to do a DIY job also!

    I love the colour scheme you have chose there. The green nose cone looks great! Also the red interior on the front landing gear door really stands out! Inspiring work in all there Gordon, cracking build!

  4. Nice clean build, great paint job..

  5. Gordon,
    Exceptionally done all around. Looks great

  6. It looks really impressive, Gordon, especially for 1/72 scale.

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