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F35 i "adir" what if 2017

April 1, 2014 · in Aviation · 8 · 4.5K

it"s the old Revell kit of X35 JSF.. i choose to build a"what-if" fot testing Tamiya colours for my next projects.
This Adir have AGM 130 and GBU just for agrssivity of the model...
see you soon...

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2  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Rather cool and refined there Olivier. Waht do you think of the Tamiya colours?
    Well done sir.

  2. Nice build...I like the color(s). But what is that [gray] circular 'doobie' towards the rear of the spine? Don't think I've seen that before.

  3. Great looking model Olivier, i really like the israeli colour scheme
    Same question as Craig whats the grey circular thing inbetween the tail fins ?
    Still a nice build

  4. A nice demonstration that all the high-priced "stealth" is gone if the airplane is adequately armed. Sort of like my friends who drive 4WD SUVs and never get off city streets, yet pay an extra 20% in insurance for driving an "off-road-capable" vehicle.

    I'm taking 5:1 this turkey never shows up in these markings (or many others).

  5. Nice clean build.

  6. Olivier,
    What if or not. This wears IAF loud and proud and you did an outstanding job on this.i like everything about this.

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