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Eric Larson
4 articles

Jasmine Model 1/72 Horten Ho 229

May 17, 2014 · in Aviation · · 25 · 3.9K

The subject of my avatar, this is the Jasmine Model Horten 'skeletal' model consisting of photo-etched stainless steel and a few cast metal parts. A beautifully engineered kit, it was an enjoyable project with the only grief being caused by myself when I installed the main landing gear backwards.

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5  Awesome

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25 responses

  1. All I can say is "Yikes!"

  2. Looks pretty scary to me.
    Very impressive!

  3. Apart from plastic models, I also do R/C models. This is what we call "bare bones" and it's sometimes a shame to cover it up with sheeting or covering. The 229 certainly has an interesting internal structure and looks good shown in this manner! I noticed even the engines are missing the casings, showing the compressor and turbine wheels instead. It looks fabulous when completed! Can you tell us a little about the method of construction? (Do the parts interlock, CA or soldering for assembly?)

  4. Very impressive, and in 1/72 too!

  5. Fascinating model and I'd imagine an intricate build.

  6. Mr. Larson, we have this really nice room over here with this nice padding all around. I'm sure you'll love it here. 🙂


  7. Great detail in an unusual medium. A fine and thoughfully rendered alternative to an under-rated modelling subject. Congratulations.

  8. Great work, Eric...I've never seen this kit. And just think, I get all fumbley-fingered with a few pieces of PE - OMG! How long did this take ya...and can you still see OK?

  9. that is awesome modelling

  10. That is just superb Eric just superb.

  11. just as stunning here Eric. Now that Tarangus sounds like a deadly marsupial from Australia. Cant wait for that build.

  12. Certainly something different. That took some engineering to create something flat to a piece of art. Nice work Eric.

  13. Thank you again for all the kind comments. As complex as it looks, it wasn't as difficult a build as you may think. Of course, some experience with photo-etch is recommended but being stainless steel, it was much more forgiving and rugged than brass.

    It took about 6 weeks to complete. I'm posting some in-process photos you all might find interesting.

    • Egads..! Those instructions/directions must have been "fun" to try to follow, huh...?

      • Hehe...they look overwhelming at first but when you just focus on one step at a time, and see the parts, it all makes sense. I almost quit before I started until I actually sat down and began. The engineering is brilliant and that becomes apparent once underway.

  14. Oh my! I'm really not getting along very well with PE so I assume this is not a kit for me 🙂 !



  15. Hey where's the plane's "skin"? I know great PE work when I see it (never seen on my models), this is a work of art!

  16. That is so bloody awesome what you have done... it made me log in to post a comment! AWESOME!

  17. That is truly incredible. I'll never "go there" because, quite frankly, I see defeat before it arrives (particularly in this case). Beautiful without the skin.

  18. Eric,
    No where in God's green earth would I ever attempt to do something like this. I would very quickly be in the rubber room that Tom spoke of. I cannot compliment you enough on what you have done here and I assure you I will NEVER try to emulate you. My hat is off to you. When you are committed I will come to visit you.

  19. Fantastic work, thank you for sharing.

  20. This is amazing!
    Thank you for showing us such a beauty.


  21. Once again Eric very impressive work.

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