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Roland Sachsenhofer
170 articles

Something completely different: a (model building) year in three minutes!

January 22, 2023 · in Uncategorized · 8 · 490 · on youtube

With this three-minute video, I would like to present to you an idea of how I document my modelling activities of a year.
Let's start 2023!

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7  Awesome

8 responses

  1. Very impressive book capturing all your excellent models of 2022, Roland @rosachsenhofer
    Must have been quite a lot of work to create such a nice summary of your modelling work done last year.

    • Thanks John, I'm glad you like the idea and execution! Indeed, it's a few days' work, but by now it's almost part of the year-end custom. It's like a kind of closing and tidying up 🙂

  2. This is such a fantastic way to commemorate a modeling year, Roland! Not that your models and accompanying articles need any form of presentation, since they are absolutely wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing this splendid idea and for taking the time to create this great video.
    Have a happy and prosperous 2023 my friend!

  3. Great idea but unfortunately You Tube is not available here in China, happy Chinese new year to you.

  4. Excellent idea! Wish I built enough in a given year to fill a book - may have to do 5-year increments!

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