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Rob Anderson
207 articles

Bubble trouble!

June 19, 2014 · in Aviation · 3 · 1.4K

The Albatross continues. Looking at pictures of Navy HU-16Cs I noticed all but the earliest have observer bubbles retrofitted to the first window aft of the wheel wells. Later Navy birds seem to have been built with these, but the pictures of mid 60s ones you can see the square windows still behind the bubbles. So I took an old chunk of resin carved and sanded a plug and smash molded two bubbles using of all things the original canopy parts! I think they turned out pretty good.

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3 responses

  1. Great stuff there, Rob. Looking forward to progress on your Albatross.

  2. Looking good, have you decided on a paint scheme yet?

  3. Either the engine grey/white with yellow "SAR" scheme or one of the Day Glo birds like the Iwakuni one. I'm leaning towards Day Glo, but that seems to be what everyone who builds an Albatross does, kind of like how everyone does the "Bumblebee" Skyraider.

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