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David Powell
8 articles

1/35 Scale Historical Figures

November 3, 2014 · in Figures · · 17 · 7.2K

Here is a collection of my most recent historical figures. They are all 54mm (roughly scale). The figures are a French Dragoon, Greek Hoplite, mounted Polish Lancer, and an Officer of the Navy Guard from the Kingdom of Naples. Aside from the hoplite, they are all Napoleonic figures. I find that the detailed colorful uniforms are really fun to paint. The Dragoon and Lancer are from Pegaso Models while the other two are from Romeo.

I work with acrylics, using many thin layers to get smooth blending and build up the shadows and highlights.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. I'm pleased that you've posted them in Headlines now, David, they look great, you're to get many favourable comments.

  2. David I'm agree with George, this is where they belong so everyone has a chance to enjoy your superb painting

  3. " to paint..." ? My gawd, I'd give my eye teeth to be able to paint figures HALF as good. You really need to provide a brief tutorial on your painting method(s) in order that we neophytes can turn out at least PRESENTABLE figures for our dioramas. Mine, for instance, end up looking like toys!
    Absolutely museum-quality workmanship, my friend. Outstanding.

  4. Thanks, everyone. Craig, I will write up something and post it over in the general modeling group (seems like the most appropriate place). Although it might be a day or two before I have time to actually write it up.

  5. Welcome onboard at iModeler!

    These are fantastic, just fabulous. Figure models such as these make one feel there's a different league in model painting. Thanks very much for sharing.

  6. Lovely work, David. Are your backgrounds from Hanger 18?

  7. Stunning ! They look very realestic, Awesome !

  8. Amazing work, thanks for sharing.

  9. Fantastic figures mate, nicely presented too.
    Well done sir.

  10. Your right about the colors. They just leap off the screen. Your command of low-lights & shadows really influence the basic colors.

  11. The force is strong with this one ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope we will see some of your's figure painting tutorials here on iModeler ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. Thanks, everyone. Rob, the backgrounds I found for free and printed out myself.

    I have seen the Hanger18 ones and they look really nice, I just haven't bought one yet

    • Cheers for that. I check out MV regularly but seemed to have missed this one. Again, some very handsome modelling skills.

      • PS just had a look. They are similar to Hanger 18 and certainly look good. I think because of limitations on printing sizes (at least on home printers) they may wok best on 54 mm figures. I tend to model in a larger scale and may have to fall back on Hanger 18. Cheers.

  13. Would you like to paint all my pilots? ๐Ÿ™‚

    That is some beautiful work. The faces are simply amazing!

  14. Those are absolutely awesome figures and then one should no that the camera isn't the slightest bit forgiving either! Really great!


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