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William Driver
1 article

First time assembling / painting

November 13, 2014 · in Figures · 10 · 1.1K

First time assembling miniatures and painting them. These I washed in soapy water first as I had been told, then cleaned off the flash. Then assembled, primed, and painted. If you guys have any suggestions or comments on what I could've done differently or better please share. I wish to become the best I can be at this new hobby. Thank you for reviewing and reading. I appreciate it.

Reader reactions:

10 responses

  1. I tried to add more pictures but it won't allow me to. Any idea how this is done?

  2. nice work! first, make sure you are signed in. then, when you are viewing your article, you should see a red button towards the top that says "edit article". click on that, then you should just be able to drag and drop images into the image dialogue box. when you are done click on the box that says done editing (or something to that effect) and you should be good to go!

  3. When it comes to painting figures, I'm the LAST person to ask. Be sure to pass on any tutorials when and if you get 'em. 🙁
    I know I certainly could use 'em!

    • Aside from the soap water wash that I learned about at the shop (gets the residue from the factory off so the primer holds better), I've learned through YouTube videos. Once I get all the picture attachments and link posting mechanics figured out, I'll link the ones that helped me.

  4. Ditto to what Craig has said above, but you could try looking in the Groups section, there is a figure group which might give you some ideas.

  5. I am eagerly waiting to see the final product. Painting realistic figures is an art! Unfortunately it is a skill I am lacking.

    • I understand. The biggest issue I am having with the realistic aspect is more of getting the skin tone down right. At the moment I only have 7 colors (white, ivory, black, blue, turquoise, gold, dark flesh) and to do a real good fleshy earthen tone I require about 4 more shades scaling off the "dark flesh". But tomorrow I'm planning on attempting to find if I can mix in a few together to create the same dynamic.

      • There several manufacturers now who issue 'skin tone' sets that will accommodate both light and dark tones. You din't actually need that many shades, as highlights and lowlights are simply lightened /darkened tones of the base colour.
        And with minis are shown here (what are they - 54mm?) you'd need a macro lens to show any finer detail anyway. Are they for gaming?

        • Ya they're for gaming. But at some of the events they also have a scoring system based not only on the amount of wins you've accumulated but also the quality of the painting job.

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