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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

RIP – Jack Broughton

November 5, 2014 · in Uncategorized · 3 · 1.6K

I didn't know it at the time, but in 1955 and 1956, I saw Jack Broughton lead the Thunderbirds - once in F-84Gs and once in F-84Fs.

Author of "Thud Ridge" and "Going Downtown"

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3 responses

  1. I got "Thud Ridge" from the Military Book Club the spring of 1973 when I was a Junior in High School, and have never forgotten Col Broughton's story of the courage of the men that took their Thuds "Downtown" to face the most heavily defend targets in the world, and the morass of military and political interference the undermined their mission and morale.

    In many ways it's the story of everyone that served and fought in the Vietnam War, and regardless of the politics, they all deserve our respect, most of all the ones that never came home.

  2. Cool build! Very striking and recognisable colours on the thunderbird jets. I thought that they were only on the F16's but I suppose there is a lot of history still to learn!

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