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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Grid yourself…er….better to rust no that’s not it Spock help me :)

March 10, 2015 · in Uncategorized · 5 · 1.1K

The Enterprise continues. After much internal debate, web surfing, Trekie dodging and harumphing I pushed forward with assembly and paint. If you want to make yourself a bit mad, spend some time reading about what color NCC 1701, was, how the NASM ruined the restoration, how the "enhanced" Trek series ships are better or worse...and...whether there was or wasn't a "rust ring" on the saucer, to use grid lines or not on the Polar Lights 1/1000 kit. Want to know more... Google it 🙂 Me I did the rust ring and did some of the grid lines, over spraying them until they almost faded away. The last saucer picture isn't that great, you can see them better than the picture shows. For those interested the blueprints in the first shot are an original printing of the Enterprise blueprints from the 70s. I got them when I was maybe 12 or 13 as I recall. Oh and one sprue shot, just to show what Sci Fi modelers have to deal with!

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5 responses

  1. Perseverance is 9/10 of the law (of modelling).

    With slide molds, fine etch and resin details, and a plethora of subjects to hand, it's good to see some independent skills on show.

  2. Keep it up, man!
    I love those kind of projects.

  3. WOW ! Just back from Vulcan and you are building my old ship 🙂 !
    The original Enterprise was the best looking of the breed. Great progress with this old plastic, looks really cool. Did some twenty years back the NCC-1701-D and painted it in the typical peace time U.S.N grey found on 20th Century warships.
    Happy modelling and never run out of fuel 🙂

  4. I do want to build a TOS Enterprise, but I'm not messing around with the small models. I'm going right to Polar Lights 1/350 ship. If the kit is half as nice as the 1/350 "A" that I have, it will be great! Looking forward to the finished build. As for the color, I heard the studio used plain old grey primer from Ford.

  5. Look at this link Josh, apparently the Ford primer rumor was urban legend

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