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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

This is pretty darned cool!

March 24, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 0.9K

Rod Stewart’s Hidden Beverly Hills Railroad

“I pity a man who doesn’t have a hobby like this one,it’s just the most supreme relaxation,” Stewart said of the train modeling passion he’s devoted decades of his life to. “Every person should have one hobby that really captures his interest.”

As for the public acclaim and recognition of his fellow hobbyists, Rod proudly says they “mean more to me than the cover of Rolling Stone.”

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9 responses

  1. He's been in telly here in England once or twice over the years and this has come up, but he always looked embarrassed, stating he didn't think people would think it was very 'rock 'n roll', but clearly he has a passion for it. There are a couple of other famous rocker types who share his interest, albeit quietly.

    • You are quite right Rob, Rod used to put on his ryder that a table with a desk lamp was placed in his room so that he could work on pieces.
      Roger Daltrey also has the passion too, he is trying to get a museum going somewhere down in Kent.

  2. Thanks for the posting! I'm quite impressed because my HO railroad is only 6x3 feet! And on the pictures I saw some pretty unique US loco's, very hard to get in Europe! Dreamin' on..

  3. That's brilliant. Shame they are embarrassed cause it's the best hobby.

  4. said on March 25, 2015

    I was more impressed with his first hobby, dating or marrying the best looking women on the planet!

  5. Roy Orbison once walked into the hobby shop I worked at and purchased a bunch of R/C aircraft stuff, a very down to earth guy. You'd be surprised how many "stars" have model related hobbys. Frank Sinatra had a special room in his California home just for his "O" scale Lionel train layout, (even had an electrician on call to keep the trains running at all times). After a dinner party all the guests wanted to retire to the train room and run trains. Rich or poor, railroads have a certain appeal to people, I should know as I'm a reformed "train nut". Thanks for the post, Tom.

    • Back in the 90s, Jay Leno would come into the Burbank House of Hobbies while taking a break from that day's work on the Tonight Show, and would pick up plastic motorcycle kits, and "talk models" with anyone in the shop.

      I saw a couple of his completed models and he's good. He takes kits with him on the road to work on.

      I ended up getting an invitation to visit The Garage and a guided tour. You talk about a "kindred spirit" when it comes to collecting stuff. And with the finances to do it right.

  6. Tom, you lucky man! I've viewed his Big Dog garage videos on the internet, what a fantastic collection. I always admired Jay Leno, he's the only man in LaLa land that has "money" and truly knows how to spend it.

  7. Just add in on the celebs who have the "Hobby Bug" topic. Neil Young frequents the train department in Talbot's Hobby Shop in San Mateo, CA. It's pretty amazing to see one of the greatest rockers in history just hanging out talking trains... He is a minority owner in the Lionel Train Company.

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