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Rob Pollock
195 articles

Review: Landscapes of War – The Greatest Guide – Dioramas Vol…

April 1, 2016 · in Reviews · 3 · 3.3K

Landscapes of War (The Greatest Guide - Dioramas) Vol. 1
Rodrigo Hernández Cabos
Acción Press
Softback, A4 format, colour, 112pp, English
ISBN 9788495464835

This book of diorama projects is the result of the author's half century of modelling experience applied to numerous award-winning subjects.

The book consists of five Chapters, and a Subject Index:

  1. Barbarossa - Coniferous Forest with Rocks
  2. Counterstrike and Retreat - Rocks, Water, Vegetation, Snow, Ice
  3. Cruel Pacific - Bloody Beach
  4. Duck Hunt - Stream Bed
  5. Techniques

In each Chapter, the diorama is set out with basic materials, and the process is explained in a step-by-step series of high-quality colour photographs, clearly annotated with English descriptions. For example, Chapter 1 opens with a double-page photograph of the finished diorama, with an explanation of the story behind the scene.

Next, we have images and text for 'Materials Employed', 'Composition', 'Building the Ground on the Base', 'Rock Cracks', 'Modelling Tree Trunks (various styles and aspects)', 'Painting the Ground (various techniques)', and 'Additional Plant Life'. I should add that between each sub-section, there are a dozen or more photographs showing more intricate aspects of the techniques described.

The techniques themselves vary widely, whether creating convincing trees, landscape effects, water, or rolling sands. In each example, there's a description of materials used, in some cases known brands, e.g., Vallejo acrylics, or in other cases miscellaneous materials, for instance, creating a 'tub' base with styrofoam and balsa.

The dioramas are military subject matter, but the techniques described could be applied equally to aircraft subjects or similar, wherever terrain features prominently.

Highly recommended.

NOTE: It's been announced that Volume 2 in the series is now available.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

3 responses

  1. Wow - I see where you get your inspiration, and I expect that someday in the near future, we'll see your authored version!

    • I think many of the techniques will be familiar to modellers but Cabos has an interesting 'twist' on some, and his treatment of trees is quite inventive.

  2. Beautifully done publication...very informative stuff (not that I could ever hope to duplicate). Thanks for posting.

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