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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/72 Fine Molds KI-61-I "HEi" Tony

September 15, 2016 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.7K

Just finished the -I "Hei" Tony. The model was painted with Gunze and AK Extreme Metal Paints. Weathering with oils and pastels. Antenna rigged with Uschi rigging thread. Markings are from box.

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11 responses

  1. An excellent piece of work for such a small-ish scale. Nice job, sir.

  2. Nice work, Geoffrey. A welcome change from the silver/mottle scheme so often modelled as representative of the type.

  3. Yes good looking model Geoffrey.

  4. Really nice Geoffrey. Hard to tell its 1/72 scale.

  5. Good looking Tony Geoffrey, especially in 1/72.

  6. Great looking Tony! I've got a couple of the Hasegawa 1/72's in my stash that I want to get to soon. Tony is my 2 favorite Japanese fighters, along with the Raiden (Jack).

    How did you find the AK metals?

    • And by "find," I meant "to work with," not "to locate..."

      • Thanks Greg,

        I found it very easy to work with. I sprayed this over a primer of Mr Surfacer 1200 and was pleased with the results. It dries very quickly and can be handled in minutes. I had no problem with it lifting when masking but I dabbed the masking tape on my forehead as was told by others it might lift if I did not. I sprayed a coat of Alclad Semi Matte over the top of it. I imagine that over a black base it will really make for a lustrous finish.

  7. It' a long time I didn't work on a Jap, seen your make me feel ready for that. Nice Job.

  8. Very nice result with this.

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