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Louis Gardner
177 articles

Midway Group Build to be revealed between June 3rd and June 7th

May 27, 2017 · in News · · 8 · 1.4K

There are now only a few days left until our Midway Group Build reveals… Dear Group Build contributors, please start posting your models between June 3rd and June 7th in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway.

I would like to mention that we have had a really great turn out for this Group Build. I also would like to personally thank each and every one of you that have participated in the event. Whether it was building a model, posting articles about Midway related research materials and / or photographs, or by posting encouraging statements from the sidelines. Without everyone's participation this Anniversary event would not be occurring.

I also want to thank Martin and the staff from iModeler, for allowing us the opportunity to do this. Without your website and technical assistance from time to time, this event definitely would not have happened. This is a great place !

So, if you haven't done so, please do yourself a HUGE favor and follow this link to our Midway Group Build. So far we have had 40 articles posted !

There are some outstanding builds going on over here:

Please start posting your completed builds from our "Midway" Group on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017. The reveals should continue to be posted on through, (until June 7th), which was that last date that something significant occurred during the battle. You should post your articles and associated photographs in the "Headlines" section.

If you want to try and "time" your posting so that it is actually posted on a specific date during the event (only 75 years later) that is relevant to your build, that would be really cool too. The choice is yours.

This should allow for each model from the "Midway Group Build" to spend some time on the front page of the Headlines Section, since we will have four (4) days to post our reveals. We should be able to stagger the timing of postings which will allow this.

If you haven't yet completed your builds, that's OK, since the deadline for this event is not being strictly enforced.

Simply post up your completed builds when you get them done here in the headlines section. If you're not finished by June 7th with your build(s), (and you don't mind), please continue to post your progress under the Midway GB section too.

Meanwhile, I have a certain PBY Catalina to finish...

Take care everyone, and I hope that you have been enjoying this GB as much as I have.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, and please don't forget the reason behind it!

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3  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Let me be the first to thank you for organizing this Group Build,'s been interesting and informative to say the least. I'm only sorry that I was unable to participate in the fashion which I wanted [i.e., building], but unforeseeable "life events" took precedent. I look forward to the 'Grand Opening' next month and will definitely be commenting further on the models presented.

    • I sincerely appreciate this Craig. You're very welcome ! I know that I have learned a wealth of information about what happened 75 years ago .

      My friend, this is totally understandable. Sometimes life gets in the way of our hobby, especially at times when we don't want it to. You have been very supportive of the group in other ways. For that I thank you.

      I'm sure you will enjoy our "Grand Opening"... Please stay tuned buddy.

  2. Great job with putting this GB together Louis. Some outstanding modeling going on at the Midway Group site, as well as history being retold. And you are correct sir, this is one heck of a modeling site, thank you Martin and staff.

  3. Thanks Tom ! But like I mentioned above this one has been a team effort. You have been a great team member and have contributed some very fine builds too. I am very impressed with your builds. They all look like you took an original item and simply shrunk it down. (About 48 times to be exact ). Your most recent project, the P-39 has really come together quickly, and it looks great too.

    I agree that this is a great website for friends to use and share their photos of their work. Great place indeed.

    Thanks again to Martin and his staff.

  4. Hey Louis, it's a real pleasure following this GB - if the deadline really is flexible then I hope to finish my '42 'Big E' around September!
    Your work and support is a real inspiration, as is your compassion for the men who died for us.

  5. Thank you Dave. It has been a great experience for me too. I never dreamed that I would have learned so much about a very important part of history, but I have.

    I am very happy to hear that you have been enjoying this GB too. After all that was the objective, to have fun... and if you just so happened to learn something along the way, well that's a bonus.

    As far as you "Big E" is concerned, why don't you start a build thread on it in the Midway GB, like you have with your two F6F's ? (unless the F6F's are part of it, then that would be double work really).

    I am planning on starting another GB called the "Year of the Cat" shortly after we wrap this Midway GB up. This will happen probably around mid June, possibly a little earlier.

    When this happens I may not be able to follow along with the Midway GB as I have been, but I do intend to keep checking in on it as I can.

    Thanks again for the compliments Sir ! I feel it is our duty to remember and honor these men who laid down their lives for our freedoms that we enjoy today. Freedom isn't free...

    Take care my friend.

  6. Excellent responses & interest, Louis. I'm only an onlooker to this GB but I look at all entries for this (& others) with great interest.
    "Freedom Isn't Free." You said it, my friend.

    • Thanks Jeff, for your service for our Country, and for contributing as you did during the Midway Group Build. Sometimes we all need a "Coach" to help us through. Take care my friend.

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