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Ferry Dierckxsens
31 articles

12 hours scale model building marathon, 18 june 2017

June 19, 2017 · in Show Reports · 12 · 1.3K

Hi everyone,

I like to share some photos with you, taken during the 12 hours scale model building marathon last Sunday June 18th 2017, starting at 09:00 AM until 09:00 PM.

Our hosts were the local gun and bow shooting club who took care of us during these 12 hours in summer conditions of +28 degrees C ( or 82,4 Fahrenheit). The club canteen was rebuild as 1 large workbench, and a small show area was provided for those who brought some models from their collections. Visitors were welcome all day.

Our goal was to raise funds for the National Childrens Cancer Research Foundation.

Naturaly we had a great day with subjects all over. From F-18's in 1:32 up to 1:144 , military vehicles, helicopters and a 1:48 Lancaster bomber in progress.

At the end of the day concentration was all zero with everyone, but we agreed that a lot of kitbuilding had been done, and for good causes.

We certainly take up the challenge again. Enjoy the small collection of photos.

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30 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Speaking of the marathon, this post is the 6,000th article at the iModeler's headlines. Congratulations on breaking the barrier πŸ™‚ ! And - looks like a fun excercise, no doubt demanding but with a noble purpose.

  2. A great turnout for a good cause and some nice work on display. Congrats on the "milestone" as well. Thanks for sharing your Father's Day with us. πŸ™‚

  3. What a cool idea! Did you have an airbrush set up somewhere (didn't see it in the pics but looks like a couple of the models being built had been sprayed). Was it successful in raising funds?

    • Thanks Greg. We did have a corner where airbrushing took place. Unfortunately due to restrictions it was not an option to do this in the public area. We'll try to take care of this for another session. And yes we where succesful in the fundraising, we even organised a raffle with kits who where kindly sponsored by one of the hobbyshops to raise some extra funds.

  4. Sounds like great fun! Especially like the nazi Peterbilt truck with Panther tank on trailer. This marathon reminds me of a Midsummer marathon over night build some of us did, hosted by ship builder extraordinaire Ulf. With sun setting right before midnight and rising a couple of hours later. We quit sometime at 7 or so in the morning...dragging our feet behind us going home through empty streets in Stockholm, sun shining from a baby blue sky. Our body clocks totally out of whack. Aahhh Midsummer coming up in a couple of days again.

  5. Nice work and great idea for local fundraising.

  6. What a pleasurable way to spend 12 hours with other modelers and all for a good cause,I do that kind of hours all on my own,I envy you,thanks for sharing all the pic ,really pleased to see all the fine work being done in the model making and a very worthy Charity.Cheers to you and all your helpers.

    • Thank you Jim. It's makes a change of model making on your own. On the spot advise from every other builder if you need it. We also had a very good response from visitors and our hosts, and will do this again.

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