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Paul Carpenter
13 articles

Knights large and small!

November 4, 2017 · in Figures · · 10 · 1.8K

Hi all
My real fascination with models lies with figures. Figures really bring a model to life (and of course, if not done well can make a great model seem second rate...we have all probably seen some very nice aircraft or tank models that are undone by some poor figures.)
Hence my journey has been to produce some half decent figure models that look the part.
These came from my 'Knights' period. The first is a kit from Verlinden. It is boxed as an English at Agincourt, but of course, English cavalry didn't exactly feature in any big way at that battle and the style of armour is decidedly French. It is in 120mm scale.

The next two were my first efforts in 54mm and were a real challenge but heaps of fun. The heraldry is all done by hand. I know there are better figure painters than me around but these are very satisfying to me and that is all I hope for in a model. These guys were also at Agincourt but on the English side.

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8  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Wow, Paul, these are really good, especially the 120mm one on the horse, the drape (if that's the correct term) over the horse is especially convincing. Not sure if they had tanks and planes at Agincourt, though! Ha ha, only joking.

  2. Good work on the horse’s caparison, Paul.

  3. VERY nicely done, sir...a real "work of art".

  4. Cool! I've been fascinated by Knights since I got some Jousting Knights in a box of corn flakes. Wish I had them today.

  5. Paul, very realistic looking, Well done !

  6. Absolutely STUNNING! Wish I had your talent when it comes to painting figures!

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