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Allan J Withers
208 articles

Lockheed P2V 5 Neptune, A89-308, 11 Sqn RAAF Pearce WA 1953.

December 16, 2017 · in Aviation · · 40 · 2.7K

1/72 , Falcon conversion, some of, plus my own modifications, Engines and things resin engines, Pavla cockpit, these modified slightly, I added some scratch built guns, rockets, exhausts, nose gear leg and search light, finished in MM enamels, FS15042, with Future over kit and Pete's decals, built 2012 - 2013. This aircraft crashed on 04-02-1959 while based at Richmond due to a fire in the starboard engine which burned through the rear wing spar with the loss of all eight crew.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

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40 responses

  1. Nice work, Allan. Not only is that a kit we rarely see built anymore, but it’s an interesting sub-variant. I really like your searchlight.

  2. Looks great Allan ! Did this one myself a while back in the Canadian markings.

  3. This is a plane I would really like to see in 1/48. I'm so used to seeing it with the jet pods, this looks much cleaner! The gimbal for the searchlight is a nice touch! Would love to see MAAM's flying again.

  4. This is really well done, Allan. I think painting black (or near to it) can be deceptively difficult and this looks to be a great job!

  5. Outstanding build, Allan...and all your modifications turned out really well.

  6. Impressive work there, Allan. Really like all the details like the search light and anti statics.

  7. Beautifully done, Allan. I came within 1 signature of becoming a crewman on one of these, but instead I re-enlisted in the Army to stay in tanks. Cool plane and your all-black scheme is done VERY well! As mentioned, that's really difficult to do. Your modifications turned out perfectly.

  8. Allan, this is very nicely done, the one thing I like about 1/72 scale, is you can had little detail and it adds a lot of interest, like you've done here. Well done !

  9. Cool looking aircraft!
    I didn't even know it existed.
    Well built and well painted.

  10. Neatly done, Allan , the searchlight, along with all the other details you’ve added, really make a difference.

  11. Well done Allan, your additional improvements really set it off.

  12. Excellent work Allan... Two thumbs up Sir ! I like that you included some history behind the actual plane and the unfortunate fate of the crew...

  13. Great Job Allan!
    The -5 conversion substantially changes the "Look" of the Neptune, and it opens up a ton of alternative markings possibilities. I really dog the searchlight installation in the starboard Tuna Tank.

  14. umm...dig. i meant dig.

  15. Real nice job Allan.

  16. Nice early version, Allan, a real beauty!

  17. Allan, great to see a different variant, and markings. Your improvements are first rate, too.

  18. I've just added a pic' of the remains after the crash !

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