International Toy Fair 2018 Nuremberg
Hello everyone,
I'm happy to share a little impression of the kits I've seen during my visit at the International Toy Fair in Nuremberg last week.
This is a professional trade fair with over 2600 companies from over 45 countries presenting toys in all shapes and sizes. There are 12 massive halls filled with every toy you can think of. For us the plastic kit companies are of interest.
I was working as a press photographer for a die-cast magazine and was happy to sneak out for about 2 hours to check out on the plastic kit companies of which most are in one hall.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to visit them all but hope to present you a little impression. As you know most of the news can be found on the www, so I'm not putting any lists up here. If you have questions on some of the photo's just ask, and I'll do my best to answer them.
The large scale Stuka is from Trumpeter in 1:24. The Flettner Kolibri German helicopter is all new from ModelArt and comes with PE part. It's a wonderful kit.
Cheers, Ferry
What a great show, wish I could be there, great pictures.
Some mouth watering kits on display there, thanks for sharing with us.
Hi Ferry, I really enjoyed the pictures, thanks for sharing! That Stuka looks massive in 1:24
Great photos, Ferry! Thanks for sharing.
Who makes those stunning models of the Bismark & the HMS Nelson?
And the Stuka on skis looks awesome. Who makes that one?
Thank Jeff. So the Stuka is in 1:24 scale and made by Trumpeter. I can tell you it realy big!
The Bismark and Nelson, and there was the Hood too , are in 1:200 scale, also made by Trumpeter. In the same scale they also have the Arizona, the Missouri and Iowa. Incredible details on these models.
Hello ferry,
Thanks for sharing your visit with us.
Regards, Dirk.
Enjoyed my perusal of your visit, sir...thanks.
Lots of nice models there, but where are the toys? I see the Hemmits (#34) daily and remain convinced Oshkosh Truck. (Hold on. Gotta talk about the name for a second. They changed it to "The Oshkosh Corporation" a few years back. The old name was perfect. It told people where they were from and what they built. Ask some random person what the Oshkosh Corporation does you're likely to get the deer in the headlights look.) Anyway, I'm convinced Oshkosh Truck should take a few base Hemmits every year and put campers on the back for extreme outdoors men. (Or just people with a lot of spare cash. I'm sure they'd sell.) There could even be a storage space with a lift between the front and rear sets of wheels to store an ATV on each side!
Hahah yes I know Oshkosh as a company building special vehicles like the Hemmits in all their versions but also airport crashtenders and heavy snow plows .
The camper idea would be something to build in scale.
I think either Trumpeter or Hobby Boss makes a Hemmit in 1/35. (And I've seen the box for the HET with trailer. Just like the real thing, it's huge! I'm planning on starting a K100 Aerodyne, so I may do the Hemmit camper while I'm off of planes for a bit!
Oh I also see a lovely plane next to the 1/24 Stuka. Don't tell me Trumpeter's doing a 1/32 Sea Vixen!
I had to check my notes Josh, the Sea Vixen is 1/48 scale and will be released this year.
I wonder how it will compare to Airfix's. I have that one and it's pretty darn nice and apart from my Vigilante I haven't seen a Trumpeter kit that I didn't like. (And the Vigilante isn't that bad either, just don't like how the fuselage is broken down but it was in 1/48 and I was grateful for that!)
The 1/24 Stuka by Trumpeter caught my attention...I'll bet it's a huge beast !
It also looks like the ICM 1/48 scale Heinkel 111 builds into a very nice plane. The 1/35 scale Zvezda Ferdinand looks like a great kit too... I would be like a little kid in a candy store...
Thanks for sharing this with us.
By chance do you remember who makes the Jagdpanzer 38 T "Hetzer" ?
and is it 1/35 scale ?
Hello Louis, my pleasure, and yes it amazing to see all these companies with their products together.
The "Hetzer" you see on thise photo is made by Italeri in their wargames series and comes in the odd scale of 1/56.
It's a very nice kit but the scale is typical for wargamers.
Thanks for the reply. I was hoping the "Hetzer" would be in 1/35 scale.
Ferry, thanks for posting this. Great things coming!
Thanks for the photos. That ICM He-111 looks good.
Yes that He-111 does look great ... When you get the chance, check out the kit review I posted on it, and it will give you a better idea of what to expect. I don't think that mine will last in the "to build" pile very long. It will end up on the bench very soon... 🙂
Thanks for posting these.