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Francisco Santoro
20 articles

Best olive drab match for Revell colours?

October 1, 2018 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 3.8K

Does anyone know which Revell colour would be a good match for the greenish shade of ? I want to have my first US aircraft with a similar camouflage to those seen on other models. I´ve checked some websites with conversion charts, and they mention Revell 66 Olive Grey, and some Revell instructions mention Revell 46 NATO Brown.
I´m attaching a photo of one of the models I painted with NATO Brown, so you guys can see the shade of it. The green colour is Revell 40 Black Green.

Thanks in advance!

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10 responses

  1. I've had a better experience using Model Master (Testor's) paints for more precise matches...but that's just me. Nice model, by the way - 🙂

  2. I've never used Revell paints but all the acrylic brands I do use have Olive Drab as a color. This is another one of those color nightmares. Which shade is correct, fading, different manufacturers formulas, etc.

  3. I'd go with green vs. brown!

  4. Try Gunze RLM 81.

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