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Happy New Year!

January 1, 2019 · in News · 15 · 0.8K

To all our readers, members, builders, posters, commenters, friends or just visitors - thank you for your continuing support, for staying around and for supplying iModeler with all the wonderful content that we're all enjoying on these pages every day. Also for reaching out to our team with your feedback and suggestions, organizing and participating Group Builds, welcoming new members, helping each other and - not least - having fun with your modeling! Let's take this opportunity to share our modeling achievements for 2018 and look forward to the prosperous New Year 2019.

/The iModeler Team

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

15 responses

  1. Martin you are an amazing leader...we love you man...God bless you and thank you for being our friend

  2. Happy New Year to all the great folks who make this site the great place it is to "visit" or contribute to!

  3. Greetings from central Pennsylvania, USA...To the all who make this great site happen and to all fellow iModelers around the world...HAVE A PEACEFUL NEW YEAR! Keep it FUN...

  4. Greetings from Russia! Happy New year to all! Let him bring peace, health and happiness to all!

  5. Feliz año ! Martin.Saludos a todos los iModeler desde Toledo

  6. From London, May 2019 be your best yet!


  7. From Long Island NY, Merry New Year! Peace on Earth!

  8. Happy New Year from Central Florida ! May this year bring us Peace, Happiness, Prosperity and Health, along with some good "Hobby" time ...

  9. Happy New Year from San Diego! I look forward to seeing everyone’s work and learning from you all!

  10. I was gonna join in the "year in review" postings and discovered that THIS was the last build I've done - didn't quite make it to 2018... (look at the original date). 🙁

  11. Happy 2019 from Belgium my fellow imodelers!

  12. Happy new year to all from Sydney Australia !

  13. Happy New Year from The Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia!

  14. Happy new year from the south coast of England.

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