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George R Blair Jr
87 articles

Modelfiesta 38, San Antonio, Texas, 16 February 2019

February 16, 2019 · in Show Reports · · 5 · 2.5K

I attended the annual model show (Modelfiesta) of the Alamo Squadron of today. I don't enter models anymore, but I like to go find good stuff at the vendors and take some pictures of the entries. I get to the show when it first opens (to avoid the later crowds), so these photos are of some of the early entries. Being a retired Air Force pilot, I'm a s****r for anything with wings. But the armor and really detailed ships are also very nice. I particularly liked the lighted starship in space dock.

For anyone interested, the 2020 IPMS USA Nationals will be held in San Marcos, Texas, which is just 30 or 40 minutes north of San Antonio. Enjoy the photos.

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8  Awesome

56 additional images. Click to enlarge.

5 responses

  1. Some truly amazing talent displayed here...thanks for sharing.

  2. Nice stuff here. I'll have to put the 2020 Nat.s on my calendar.

  3. Great stuff on display George, thanks for sharing.

  4. How early did you leave? Most of the entries and IIRC almost all of the category finishers are MIA.

    More pics from later:

    • The older I get, the less I like crowds, so I usually get there around 9 o'clock, check out the venders, then take some photos around 10:00, and I am gone shortly after. I know I miss some of the later models, but I find them later on the Alamo Squadron website. Thanks for posting the rest of them.

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