Back to models!
Good Evening Guys ,
I joined to get back in to model making once again , after a long break . You may have noticed I haven't posted anything yet this is due to these 'old Ladies " , now we have almost come to the end of restoration I can get back to what I like to do beside "Emily" & " Chloe" this is Maritime , Sci-Fi & Armour models . If I run into any problems I hope I can count on your advice & help me get through.
Welcome aboard, Neil...look forward to your "contributions".
Yes, welcome! Nice photos.
Welcome back Neil. Good to see you here again. Looks like you have been busy tending to the "ladies"...
Thanks Louis,
Hope Sandy is keeping you on your toes !
Using a airbrush on these Ladies is something not recommended , the cable is to short.
Hi Neil, glad to have you with us , is the Stalwart yours ?
Unfortunately no , I'm what you would call a "Tech Advisor" having drove a Artillery version in Germany and been a DMI ( Driver Maintenance Instructor)
Welcome to iModeler Neil.
A big welcome Neil. You've not given up modelling, you only changed to 1:1 scale!
Yes Ian, in a way I have the scale has just got bigger that's all . Just got to sort out the turret ( my ex-office in the past) so if you want any photos of the "Ladies" give us a shout.
Welcome to this site Neil, your modeling bug has been dormant for quite sometime now … time to give it a strong shake and wake it up.