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Alistair Gauld
118 articles

Revell 1/72 Horten Go-229

May 27, 2019 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1.9K

Hi There,

this was built with and for my 10 year old nephew. He has taken a great interest in the hobby since my return a few months ago. I let him take a large part of this build, so all I really did was filling, sanding, masking and what little weathering he wanted. He is delighted and so am I. It's really worth it to see the joy in his face and if I can keep his interest up then all is good.


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5  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Nice little build, sir...welcome to the site.

  2. I think this reflects what @stephen-w-towle said earlier today that the value of a build is in its fun. I can see there’s been a little enjoyment in this project. Well done, Alistair.


  3. Just another thought. I’d get a couple of the egg kits - he’d love then for sure.

    A great fusion of fun for the kids and serious weathering practice for the (alleged) grown up - all the above photos of models by ‘serious’ iModelers.


    • Many Thanks for your kind comments. We had a blast building this and I'm sure he would fall in love with a Spitfire Egg Kit, in fact i know he would, anything Spitfire related is top of his list.



  4. Well, I can’t do a Spitfire, but somewhere in the stash I have a Mustang egg plane. Happy to send it to you (these things are as cheap as eggs, eggscuse the pun) - no charge so long as you are in the U.K. (with a name like that I’m guessing that’s the case) and do a work in progress. Just PM your address and I’ll send it off in the next week or so. I’m never going to make the thing.

    Welcome to the crazy house, Alistair.

  5. Real nice. Welcome. and phantom too.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  6. It’s always rewarding seeing a kid building a model and having fun doing it. You sir are wonderful uncle for sure. Too bad my nephews are still toddlers, can’t wait to hook them on plastic, because my daughters were a complete failure in this matter

  7. treasure the memory...way to go

  8. Kudos for apprenticing a young padawan styrene jedi! Great-looking project - pass on my regards to your nephew.

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