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Jeff Groves
52 articles

AMT / Ertl Northrop X/YB-35 in 1/72 Scale

June 12, 2019 · in Aviation · · 20 · 4.5K

This is the AMT / Ertl X/YB-35, a very large kit when built, but a unique subject. This kit takes some work, think of it as a limited run effort and you will be well prepared. I opened up the wing leading edge inlets and the wing slots at the tips. I also detailed the interior and wheel wells. The starboard drag rudder was scratchbuilt so it could be displayed in the opened position. All the gun stations were armed with Quickboost barrels. The finish is Alclad, six different shades in total. A build thread is posted here for anyone wanting to see details of the construction process:

Reader reactions:
21  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. A stunning achievement all around. Simply remarkable modeling. The finish is outstanding.

  2. That s one crazy airplane.
    Good job!

  3. Profile Photo
    said on June 12, 2019

    That's a very curious, and underexplored subject. Nice model!

  4. Great job on the model, and the article inspired me to look further into the topic of the B-35.

  5. Very nice. Great job adding the detailed work - helps make a basic kit way more interesting.

  6. Outstanding build and presentation...nice work!

  7. A very interesting subject and a well executed build! Nicely done!

  8. The Horton Brothers seem to get all of the attention when it comes to tail less aircraft and they of course are associated with the Nazi's and their ambitions with new umber weapons to win the war. However, it was Jack Northrop who not only developed XB-35 but the jet powered YB-49 which was the jet powered version these aircraft proved to be viable flying plat forms that not only where forgotten and destroyed (None being preserved ) but, became the template for the B-2 bomber and beyond. With design studies showing the B-21 look looking similar to the XB-35. The B-2 being similar in size as well. Cool model Jeff always neat to see something different and relevant to aviation history and a little Americana.

  9. I really like the opened inlets and drag rudder. The finish is also very good and the outdoor photography looks great! Other than the B-2 as a descendant the drag rudders lived on the the F-89 except in this instance they only worked together and Northrop coined them "decelerons". (The A-6 and A-10 also have them.) I have Combat Model's 1/48th version and I sure wish the parts were broken down like the AMT kit! It is a shame none of these were preserved because with the loss of the N9M we are left with no original Northrop wings.

  10. Wonderful presentation of a great build of an unusual subject. Thanks for sharing, Jeff. I like this a lot, and the outdoor shots are stunning.

  11. Excellent model, love the NM finish. But the details visible are also top notch. Great choice of subject btw...wonder how big it would be in 1/48 ?

  12. Top result from wallet draining quantities of Alclad

  13. Wow, great job! The B-49 can be seen in the old War of the Worlds movie.

  14. Great finish on this epic airplane model!

  15. Thanks for the kind words guys, much appreciated! This project was both fun and "fun", a tough build in spots but I am happy with how it came out.

  16. Exceptional work, especially the metal finish. Hope you have a big coffee table to display this large model.

  17. I'll just say: what everyone else said! Really superb work.

  18. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Nice one Jeff, very interesting shades in the paint job … nice work.

  19. AWESOME build of arguably one of the most radical aircraft designs. Only Jack Northrop could dream up a design so far ahead that it was deemed too radical for its time. Political shenanigans and teething problems with stability meant that the Northrop wings were consigned to the scrap heap. The B-2 vindicated the wing concept. Your model is an inspiration to get mine out of the stash!

  20. Very cool build. Excellent finish

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