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George Johnson
73 articles

1/350 Pegasus Models (von Braun) Moonlander

November 4, 2019 · in Sci-fi · · 7 · 2.6K
This article is part of a series:
  1. 1/350 Pegasus Models (von Braun) Moonlander
  2. Moonlander finished
  3. 1/350 Pegasus Hobbies Moonlander has Landed

Here's my almost completed . This is a really excellent kit manufactured by Models. The fit is really good and the molding ares superb. It's a little tricky to build and I ended up tossing out the kit's vertical support rods and replacing them with 0.060 styrene rod. LEDs are used to shine upwards and will also illuminate the inside of the crew compartment that will be located at the top of the tower. I used Mission Models paints throughout and was really pleased at how bright and intense they are. I'm not going to do much weathering or panel line washes as this thing was supposed to be assembled in orbit and because I want it to look like the original paintings of it by Chesley Bonestell. This beast was designed way before they had any idea of how to get to the . It stood 300 feet high and required a crew of 20+ individuals. It was supposed to use 18 descent engines and 12 steering engines to land. Ascent required removing most of the tanks (not exactly sure how they were going to do that) and then firing up those 30 engines. It's beast and probably would have required an expenditure in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The model is powered by one 9V battery and will rest on a moonscape ( that I have yet to build).

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. This sound like a challenging project George, especially the electrics on it! Keep us posted, looking fab' already!

  2. Nice to see these early concepts built.

  3. Gorgeous, can’t wait to see more in progress post and the finished project.

  4. Beautiful clean work, in fact I initially thought the first photo was a 3D-rendered image. What a great subject.

  5. Pretty cool project, and that lighting is fantastic.

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