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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Review: Just arrived on my front porch – AMG 1/48 Hawker Hart – first impressions

November 4, 2019 · in Reviews · · 2 · 1.6K

The postman just delivered my kit of the 1/48 (which looks like it can be done as every version of this airplane except the Osprey, which had a larger vertical fin and rudder).

This kit is beautiful! Fully-detailed interior, superb surface detail with excellent fabric surface replication. Decals for three different aircraft, including a from 601 Squadron, and the kit has the different cockpit coaming and wing center section for the Demon - further looking says you can do a "Hart fighter", the early-production Demon, from this kit. The instruction sheet thanks Aeroclub's John Adams for help in creating the kit - if you ever had his 1/48 vacuform (I still have one) you know how accurate that was. This kit may be a bit "pricey" but it delivers excellent value. "Every penny is up on the screen" as they say in my other job.

What's really interesting is, this is what is now considered a "limited run" kit. But the quality of the molding and the level of detail is what would have been considered "Tamiya-level mainstream" 6 years ago. Just really, seriously, incredible.

Buy. In. Confidence.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

2 responses

  1. I agree Tom, it's a really nice kit. I recently picked up a 1/48 Dora Wings Bloch 151and it's a great looking kit. Limited run kits have really improved. I don't understand why more modelers don't do them.

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