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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Where did the review teasers go?

November 3, 2019 · in News · 5 · 0.8K

I got asked to take down the review teasers till the full rfeviews came out. Maybe a photo the week before here and at FB to pique interest.

Since doing reviews at M2 is the basis of what my reputation rests on, that's the way it works. Sorry, as many good modelers as are here, there's not enough of us for the model companies the want iModeler as "first review" when M2 gets over 500,000 unique visits in a month. Business is business.

But iModeler gets all the photos!

Reader reactions:

5 responses

  1. Hi Tom, as long as we get the reviews here, that's fine! Indeed, the budget of modeling companies is limited and usually goes where the audience is the heaviest.

    Imodeler came a long way in terms of public since I signed up in 2015 though, credits go to the developers, notably Martin, Boris and Johannes. I appreciate their efforts and chosen track to make this forum into a company, I don't think it's an easy choice.

    Frankly, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else since the layout and experience of the site is the best I've encountered and the atmosphere is generally better than in many other places.

    • Yes, definitely the best-run site, and the best people. Even when we stumble into getting out of line with each other (raises hand and pleads "guilty, your honor"), we're smart enough to step back and dial it back. That definitely doesn't happen elsewhere!

  2. Tom, we shall wait for them here, and if that is a bit after the other you mention, I'm cool with that. It will not get me to go anywhere else as the site here is just fantastic - kind people, usable info and great variety.

    Keep them comin'

  3. What is the saying? " All good things come to those who wait." The wait is not long and for those of us who have budgets and are easily led astray with the new uber kits ...Eduard Mustang and the Tamiya P-38 it's a reprieve. Then there is the new ICM Invader... waiting to melt plastic. Where spoiled rotten. You can't possibly keep up with the modeling the 15 min news cycles.

  4. the two I've bothered to read are both way's McCorkle and the 20th history was way off...

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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