Classic Kit: Matchbox 1/72 Spitfire Mk IX PK-2
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I build old kits, the older the better. I especially like Revell, Aurora, HAWK, Matchbox and Airfix from the 1950s and '60s and 1970's. This Matchbox PK-2 of the 1/72 Spitfire Mk IX upgraded with a cockpit, decals and new wheels. I always liked this kit and wanted to it justice. I used Tamiya RAF paints. Later editions included parts for a bubbletop version.
Wow! That is a head turner from a truly basic kit. Nice job. Welcome to imodeler, David!
This is a wonderful build of this classic kit, David!
I love putting together old kits too!
Please share more of your builds.
Welcome aboard!
Thank Spiros! I do have many builds I will share here. Thank you for your welcome.
Thank you John. Some have asked why I did not fill in the deep engravings on the fuselage. I guess I wanted it to have that matchbox characteristic associated with these early kits. The one thing that I stumble on is alignment of aftermarket wheels with with ground, especially on Spitfires. Any suggestions?
I too love leaving the deep engravings "as is", David: they are so "Matchbox"! Love them!
Regarding the AM wheels: I believe they are resin. I first check their openings, to see if they can be attached at the correct angle, then attach them with sufficient quantity of slow setting thick cyanoacrylate glue.
With the glue hardening, but not fully cured (so I can adjust the alignment), I let the model "rest" on a flat, but not slippery area. If the model can support its own weight (meaning the wheels stay in place), I "play" a tad with the wheels angles, in order for them to be well aligned and their flattened part fully contacting the ground. Usually, the wheels will stay in place with the weight of the model on them, the non slippery surface being your ally, as they cannot slip and loose their alignment.
Check every minute or so, to be sure that the wheels stay aligned - readjust if necessary!
After many minutes the cyano will have cured and you will most likely have nicely aligned wheels!
Works for me most of the times, and if it doesn't it works at second attempt!
That's some great advice Spiros @fiveten! Thanks for sharing that! 🙂
I can only intone on all the great suggestions , Appreciations and support on this site and Your post , that the appreciation of old kits is alive and well. I did realise just a moment ago putting in oldie together that the moulds, being brand new at that time , fit together remarkably well !.
There’s is no school like the old school !
Super well done David.
Thank you Bernard. I really like matchbox kits, especially their 1/76 armor models.
A very nice clean build David. Great paint and decals. I also enjoy building older kits. There is a certain satisfaction getting a good result from an old school kit.
You and I are on the same wave length when it comes to these verbally abuse kits. There is such a satisfaction in completing this kits from our youth. I have many other vintage kits to post. Stay tuned. Right now I'm restoring an Aurora 1/48 P-38 which is molded in blue turquoise plastic. 🙂 It's going to be a desktop model on a stand.
David, nice build on this Matchbox kit it looks great. I built many Spitfires Mk. VIII and Mk. IX using this kit back in the 70's and 80's. I love seeing the old kits build in today's world.
Thanks Bob! The first time I built it was in the late 80s and it turned out so-so. So I wanted to give a good scrubbing.
Looks very good! I like Spitfires very much! I build Matchbox kit in primary school a long time ago 🙂 How did you cut canopy? I'm not sure about tail> As I remember I cut tip of tail to earlier version.
Thank you Lis. Cutting vac-form canopies is easy IF one takes time to cut. It is best to mark off the edges where the cut will be made with tape. When cutting start with a new X-Acto blade and gently score the plastic. Keep doing it very gently and before you know it the cut is made. Don't try to use scissors or a heavy straight cut. I always ended up in failure when I did that.
Some time ago i try to cut some vac-form canopies. After I used any kind of hobby blade finish was the same. Broken canopy 🙁 I wish to see how did you do this.
Great job! I lean towards the older kits myself. Welcome!
Hey Robert! Thank you! Aren't they fun?
Definitely liked David! That's a beautiful Spitfire!
Hey Gary, I like Mr. Natural there. Thank you very much.
First of all, welcome to this great community, David @thevid
You made a great entry with this "oldie" Spitfire.
Those older kits are sometimes challenging but you made it look like being a recent molded kit.
Thank you! This is a GREAT website and I am really glad to have found it. The layout is excellent and easy to maneuver around.
I remember when this first came out and how exciting it was to finally have a Spitfire IX model I didn't have to buildby mix-and-match of 3 or 4 kits to get something close to right.
Very nice work on this old pterosaur.
Thank you Tom. I appreciate it.
Welcome to iModeler! Great-looking Spitfire, and I also LOVE building old kits. I just finished a Frog 109F, am working on an old Revell Bf 110, an Italeri F-4G, and I'm about to start on an old bagged Airfix Lysander (all 1/72). It's satisfying bring life to these old kits.
Great work on the Spit, inspiring!