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gary sausmikat
79 articles

Moving on to 2020…quick look at 2019

December 31, 2019 · in Photo Collections · 7 · 1.5K

Hey, All!
2019 was a productive year on my modeling bench. I learned from mistakes, tried new techniques but most of all enjoyed each build and tried to keep it fun...let's remember, though it may be a passion, it's still just a hobby.

One thing I will remark as a down note for 2019, on iModeler, was the cancellation of "On This Day", posted by David Leigh-Smith...I looked forward to seeing those every day. Thanks, David! All that work and effort did not go unnoticed by this modeler.

Here's my "list"...minus one completion that will be posted in 2020. Enjoy.

So, from Williamsport, PA, USA, Happy and Blessed New Years to all my fellow iModelers!
KEEP 2020 FUN!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Especially like the VW, thanks for sharing!

  2. Really fine builds Gary!

  3. A nice body of work, love that Spitfire.

  4. I have a friend who owns a real VW bus almost like your model, but his is light blue and white, instead of red / white. His also lacks the windows above on the roof line.

    All of these models look fantastic Gary... Thanks for sharing these with us, and Happy New Year to you and your family.

  5. Very nice Gary, the micro bus is excellent. Is that the Revell kit of yore? Yes I concur about D-L's On this Day postings, they were really nice to start the day when they were a daily routine. Happy New Year for sharing your insight, your models and knowledge.

  6. Nicely done Gary, happy new year !

  7. All best wishes for 2020. Great work from 2019.

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