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Jeff Robertson
1 article

Vintage 1:32 scale Revell P-40 Flying Tiger

April 29, 2020 · in Aviation · 19 · 4.4K

This is my 1st posting of any of my work ever. Computer challenged but I am learning through trial and error, so please bear with me.

This model is 1967 vintage and although it was very cool for that time period, it lacked the detail I wanted to make it unique. The cockpit, landing gear/lengthened, radiator gills opened and engine have all been redone. I wanted to build this plane without buying any after-market parts. So, I raided my parts bin and proceeded to make my life interesting. I love to scratch-build things and this kit definitely tried my meager skills.

I hoped and prayed that the 40 plus year old decals would work ok without disintegrating. Only one Chinese star fell apart but I coated the rest with decal preservative and had no more issues. I worked for hours to re-paint the star on bottom wing. Not perfect but it will work. I also did not want to paint the shart teeth but I would have attempted it. Hard to locate these in 1:32 scale!

My build is not perfect and I should have moved the tiger decal closer to the cockpit. Raised panel lines gave me grief but overall, I'm happy with it. The real planes the AVG used were really beat. Not alot of time to make pretty. I was told this by AVG pilot Charlie Mott. I have 2 more 1:48 P-40 kits on my bench, along with 60 or so more kits just waiting to be built. All in good time. I also built a Space Shuttle while brain storming the P-40. It was for a work friends newborn son. Another story for another time.

I really enjoy this site! Keep up the great articles!

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19 responses

  1. Your skills are obviously more than ready to step up to a kit more on their level.

    Good work on this old sow's ear. I'd love to see what you'd do with the 1/32 Hasegawa P-40E.

  2. That's a great work of a vintage kit, Jeff. Looks really cool! Cannot wait to see your next jobs.
    Welcome aboard!

  3. Welcome to iModeler Jeff. That’s some awesome work on a vintage kit. Despite its age the general shape of the model looks accurate

    • Thank you! I had built this kit several times, years ago and gave them away. Never put this much detail into them though! I've always liked the look of the P-40 series.

  4. Welcome to site Jeff. I really like what you have done with this vintage kit. I built this when it was first released and I was about to enter my teens. I was impressed at the time but kit quality and accuracy( in most cases) has lifted considerably since then.

  5. Well done Jeff she looks good from here. Welcome to iModeler and for being computer challenged I'd say you've conquered that task. I'm building my 21st P-40, just love that aircraft.

    • Thanks! Well, I had some help from my wife and daughter to show me the ropes. They're awsome! 21 P-40's! Wow, I'm impressed! Beautiful plane for sure. The Flying Tigers have been my hero's since I was very little. Met quite a few of them back in the mid-90"s.

  6. Nice work, I like the flat finish and the color scheme. Well done.

  7. Splendid job on this Jeff! The paint and weathering looks great. This kit will always have a special place in my heart as it is the first kit my Dad and I worked on together. (Actually he worked, I kept trying to play with it! I always liked the operational gear on this kit! Especially cool to a five year old!) We got it used from a vendor at EAA about 1980, '81. I still have the box top for it stashed in a binder somewhere. (The box art is nice and after seeing what Bob Anderson did with his Dauntless instructions I may frame it.) Welcome to iModeler!

    • Thank you! Lol! I did the same thing. All the moving parts..when I did things right and didn't get glue on them..were awsome! I would hang my planes up only to see them crash when friends came over and pillow fights started. I loved the box art too! I have the 1/32 scale Wildcat box art from the '60s as well. Too cool to toss out. I kept this one too. Great idea on framing them!

  8. Nicely done! Welcome aboard. Box art was to models as LP covers were to record albums.

  9. Nice Job Jeff! Glad to see the old Warhawk on a bench again. I last built this it back in the early 70's as a git for my dad who had flown one during the war.

  10. Thanks, Clark! I had built this kit a few times myself many years ago. It does show it's age but I love the lines on the P-40. I bet flying a real one was an incredible thing!

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