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David G LANE
123 articles

NCO Veteran 1916

June 8, 2020 · in Figures · 8 · 1.3K

John Smith Modelbau


Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Your figures are the best I have seen, David.

  2. Amazing artistic realism!

  3. Very nice paintwork. Beeing not very familiar with WW1 I'd have liked some more information. The lettering on the wood is in german. Is it thus a german NCO or a british NCO in a formerly german trench?
    (p.s. I had to google the meaning of NCO.)

  4. German NCO ( Sergeant) ...Bavarian dicing on collar ?

  5. Superb result. Your painting is fantastic.

  6. Profile Photo
    said on June 8, 2020

    Very nice job ?

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