Dentist in general practice. Part time wanna be triathlete [ when the body allows] Passionate about modelling. Mainly a figure modeller[ Napoleonic and WW1] sculptor and painting for 25 years. More lately have discovered the WW1 era of aeroplanes and some Russian WW2 aircraft[ idea why!] Still paint the old fashioned way with oils. Still bringing in the 'gongs' at the shows!
New CSM kit.
Tamiya, Alclad and printing ink paints
Gaspatch turnbuckles wit Model Kasten rigging
CSM figure 3D print in resin.
Alternative backgrounds...changes the colour bias...which do you prefer?
WNW 1:32
Tamiya paints
Kit decals for woodgrain with tinted varnish to deepen the tone
Copper State Models 3D printed wheels
Prop:oils over acrylic
Gaspatch turnbuckles
Model Kasten rigging
Copper State Models 1:32 inc figures.
Tamiya and oil paints
Model Kasten rigging and Gaspatch+ProperPlane turnbuckles
Model Cellar 1:32 oils
Aircraft to follow😉 resin figure 70mm in oils
Lukgraph 1:32 resin (cast and printed)
A lot of faffing about compared to a styrene kit. Resin parts suffered with surface printing ridges. Cast parts warped and thick. The engine was particularly poor until I was sent a newer improved [...]
WnW 1:32
Tamiya paints
Prop: Oils over acrylic
Gaspatch RAF terminals and Model Kasten rigging
Aviattic decals all over.
Gaspatch guns and end wire terminals
Model Kasten rigging
Alclad metals
All wood: oils over acrylic
Pitot tubing rolled out Duro
WNW 1:32
Tamiya paints
Gaspatch RAF terminals
Model Kasten rigging
WNW 1:32
Tamiya paints
Gaspatch terminals on Model Kasten rigging
Proper plane turnbuckles on control cables
Prop: oils over acrylic