Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109
I received this model a while ago as a gift. It was the first model of that company I ever got. It was also one of the first models I got. I really enjoyed putting it together. This is one of two models I got for VJ Day.
I received this model a while ago as a gift. It was the first model of that company I ever got. It was also one of the first models I got. I really enjoyed putting it together. This is one of two models I got for VJ Day.
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That's really cool. I look forward to seeing more models made by you.
Thanks, I’m excited to make more models.
A Lego PT Boat. How cool is that?
Nice rug rat! I Look forward to your future Styrene model builds.
Great start!
Nice model, Eric.
Welcome aboard!
A lego PT boat, now what will they think of next. Look forward to seeing more models Eric, and welcome to iModeler.
Hey! Welcome aboard! I remeber really starting modelling with a lego P-51 a while back. Few years ago, maybe? Idk, I was maybe 12 when I did it. But they didnt have anything as accurate as that when I looked! Well done, and I 100% look forward to seeing your other builds.
Great job!
Very nice work Eric, I never expected to see this one, Lego models really make ones imagination flourish in great ways and this model of the famous PT-109 is proof of that. Well done, look forward to your work.