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David G LANE
123 articles


October 1, 2020 · in Aviation · 9 · 2.6K

Albatros build complete

Paul Baumer, Jasta 5 , July 1917.

Died July 1927.

43 victories.

I had to build this one as he like me was a dentist.

Found the build not as good as some of the more complex 2 seaters...that top wing was a b@$t@rd! Yes, I'd straightened it etc. There was already a slight dihedral with the bottom wing in place. I reckon the forward cabane struts are a tad too long or the tabs too thick?. Something is out around there...from wing tip to wing tip the V struts and cabane struts were not on a straight line. On to the next one a lot wiser

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

29 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Hi David!
    Upon entering iModeler your Albatros headline pic poped up. I did not have to scroll the page down to check title and builder: I knew it was you.
    Congratulations! This is yet another of your excellent builds. I cannot stop looking at the building, painting and weathering details!

  2. A fantastic build indeed!

  3. What a wonderful Albatros, David.
    Painting, weathering, all is so perfectly done.

  4. Thanks gents.
    Forgot this one of the oils over acrylic base coat.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. Another marvelous David Lane model.

    Here's another little-known fact about Paul Baumer. I learned this from a literature professor in college way long ago. He had been a huge fan of Erich Maria Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front," and when he was a young student (putting things back to before WW2), he met Remarque at a writing conference. While talking about the book, the author told him that the main character's name - Paul Baumer - was in memory of his close friend, a World War ace who was "the best person I ever knew", who had died in a flying incident (Baumer crashed doing an aerobatics display at an air show in Copenhagen) while he was going over the manuscript just before publication, and that he changed the character's name because "my friend was the model for the character."

    Baumer's reputation throughout the German flying service was that he was "incredibly decent." Not a bad thing at all.

    • I'd read about this somewhere. So many connections. I couldn't let this one go by as the link to the dentistry.
      Glad you're enjoying the builds. It's the painting I like!

  6. Beautiful build.

  7. Fabulous build David - the Jasta 5 schemes are some of my favourites.
    Baumers colour scheme is one of the best - great to see!
    Was this a Wingnut Kit?

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